littlek wrote:Well, like the article says, it's not corraborated and they get info like this often. Maybe one day someone will actually happen, maybe not.
Maybe it's an intentionally leaked distraction to keep the FBI from looking wherever it is that the real threat is happening. Let's pick an event completely at random as an example... oh, let's say... the Innauguration.
I really hope our FBI is smarter than the media.
You know all those spy movies where the government is equiped with top secret toys, and all their people are top notch, and the buildings have secret elevators and spotlessly clean cobalt steel war rooms... well just suppose that not one of the governments in the world really has anything like that, and instead, all they've got are the government buildings we see like those run down stodgy old courthouse buildings with dingy tile from the 1950's in the hallways and computers with reel to reel magnetic tape.
How likely is it that the best crime fighting people and technology on the planet are just the props and actors in our TV shows and movies, and that we've seen so much fantasy masquerading as "secret government" that we don't have any idea how effective the real deal is any more.
Wouldn't it be funny if all those top secret military satelites are sending back data to goverrnment facilities which are to underequiped to process the data in time to do anything about it?