Oh, I'm Latvian all right, Boomer. There's not much to tell, really. What brought me to the march? A light blue 1960 Chevy.

Oh, you mean, why was I there? For the same reason the other 800.000 or thereabouts people were there. In my own little way I was anxious to show support for the struggle against what, back then, was the single most evil and unAmerican situation possible -- racial segergation by fiat; oppression of an entire group of people based solely on their skin pigmentation. For a number of personal reasons, I couldn't go down South to participate in the nonviolent protests in Selma and Montgomery, Ala. But the March on Washington was just a leisurely drive from my home in Boston. And, besides, one doesn't just sit back and watch TV when there's an opportunity to participate in history. Not when you're in your early 20s.