JustWonders wrote:In that case:
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!
Just how long are certain folks going to drag kerry into every single thing? He lost, we have accepted it, we have moved on, it is time for you guys to move on as well and concentrate on your own people since they are basically the only ones who have any clout in washington at the moment.
I just find it telling that if you are not bringing up Clinton or Gore; you are bringing up kerry, if not kerry the ever handy french; if not the french there is always the UN and the oil for food scandal that conveniently forgets Cheney's involvement in the whole thing and forgets that we knew about it and ignored it.
I guess you got to do something if we concentrate on what all you guys have acomplised with all your power it would be pretty bleak. But; I know; we got to have patience because everything is going to get better just as soon as we turn the corner.