I have had that responce MANY times in verbalizing my desire to move to another country.
I keep asking... What makes america so GREAT? ....... never get an answer.
SO I asked someone I know who is the same way..
" America is great. I wouldnt live anywhere else.. blah blah blah"
So, I asked, Why? What is so great about this country?
His responce : America is the richest country in the world!
My answer ; America is 1.7 trillion dollars in debt to 4 other countries. How is that being rich?
His next responce : " I didnt know that, well , Americas military is great! You gotta LOVE THAT"
My responce : " So you judge a countries greatness by thier ability to bully, infultrate and kill? Amazing"
He said: " Well, at least working in this country is better then anywhere else"
My responce : " So, in England, Germany, or France where men get equal time off for the birth of thier baby as thier wife does ( paid) , At least a months worth of time a year for vacation/free time and only having on average 4 scheduled work days in a week means working in america is better? What about Canada? Where you dont HAVE to have a healt plan taken out of your pay check every month or work for several months BEFORE you are even elidgable to FIND OUT if you can afford it?
he is now pissed at me.
But those are the hollow answers people give when you ' offend america' .. strange isnt it?