Almost all, yes. Sigh.
How I long for my refrigerator....
I am using Dys and Diane's patio refrigerator, a wonder of small volume.
I buy ice for a styrofoam chamber every two days, which, let me just moan, is wearing on me.
Trick is, one needs to predate by a bunch of days to rent a moving truck from whatever company. One needs to predate to find a guy or two to help move...
and when I do, I bet my bippy that fridge is way in the back of everything else. And it's bordering on 100 degrees here this week. Probably a kinder 100 degrees than when I was in LA mapping properties, re humidity, but still, I'd rather not be doing wracking physical labor at the height of it.
Not to sideswipe your thread, just commiseratin'.
I'f I was nearby, I'd help, Osso. There has to be a couple a able-bodied men you can get cheap. Or, what about setting up a garden design swap for moving?
Oh dear lord! The new housemate moved into the middle room tonight. After talking my ear off and showing way too many (but, very nice) pix of Oz (uhoh) I finally extricated myself and went for a prolonged bathroom visit (i take looooong showers). When I got out, I was startled into silence by an unfamiliar noise coming from outside the bathroom door. Was it the cat ridding himself of another hairball? Had Boo drank water too quickly again? No, this was a monster..... no wait, there are no monsters. I opened the bathroom door and listened. It was the inhuman sound of new HM#3's snoring (eek). Dag's gonna kill me.
Oh my goodness!
A snoring (Ozzian?) to live with! Uhoh!
Keep us posted, k.
Good luck!
Maybe it's temporary...?
Oh dear.
Hahaha. That sucks. I wouldn't hear snores in my room from my roomates anyway.
Well I found out somewhat recently I can't leave bottles of liquor out in the kitchen. Someone will drink it all, and leave the bottle empty, or with a few drops in it.
He's actually a snoring Portuguese here via England, Germany and Oz. The pix of Oz were nice, actually. He had city shots of both Melbourne and Adelaide as well as the outback.
Has he unpacked his collection of plastic bags from around the world yet?
Maybe it's allergy season, and he'll stop snoring soon.
He hasn't mentioned that his snoring is due to allergies (or allergies at all).
Is there any chance he doesn't know that he's snoring? (Is this the string theorist or the um other one can't remember...)
Turns out he isn't a string theorist, but a mathmatician who is often quoted by string theorists. He knows he snores.
You can hear him snoring in your room? Maybe time to get some earplugs.
Just noticed another bottle of liquor emptied. Bottles are staying in my room now. F'n bastards.
He should have mentioned that he snores loudly. Maybe he should see a sleep apnea specialist, for his good as well as yours. Personally, I've always avoided picking (straight) male roommates. I never had a female roommate who snored, farted at the breakfast table or thought that remembering to flush the toilet was the same as cleaning it. Didn't any women answer your ad?
(I've told my husband that I married him because he was the first man I ever slept with that never snored. )
Are you telling me that your husband, of the thousands, was the only one who never snored, Green Witch?
I admit to snoring when exhausted/in allergy tharn. I come from a long line of snorers, and am not proud of it. My teenaged life, troubled as usual for other reasons, was beset with two parents who snored like a house afire.
So, he could soundproof the room... or could he. Drywalll might not be enough...
Does the sound go through the walls or the door? (curtains!!! drapes!!)
I suggest you record the noise. If only for a baseline...
When I need to drown out extraneous noise I use a sound machine -- that way you get to pick the "noise" you can tune out and at least it's consistent. Sounds like you might need "Thunder and Driving Rain" to drown out this guy's snoring. Of course...he may forget to breathe after one episode...and problem solved
You're right. Dag is going to kill you...
unless she likes him..
Loud snoring would definitely be a deal breaker to me, lil'k.