I see. I don't see how I can be of any help then, except to say, good luck with all that.
So, you should take your own advice.
HM#2 left the house to study.
Geez, when it rains, it pours.
The previous housemate (the one who preceded HM#2) asked us a while back if she could stay at our house to attend a wedding in the area. We said ok. She's arriving wednesday, June 1st and staying until sunday afternoon. AND, she has invited her boyfriend to stay with us saturday night (never asked us).
Then she asked if we knew someone who would lend them a car for 4 days in July (4th of July weekend) so they could go to another friend's wedding in NH.
Sorry, Kickypants, I don't need help right now so much as a place to vent my frustrations. Be happy you don't have pain in the butt housemates.
uggghh. can't you get rid of her in any way?
I don't think I'd ever ask anyone if I could borrow a car for 4 days. Haven't they ever heard of rental agencies?
YAY! New neighbors...minivan in the driveway...saw the woman unloading the baby carriage.
They're going to HATE us come Memorial Day weekend.
Go slappy! Wait, actually, sometimes young parents are really cool....
This couple doesn't want to rent a car because they are poor. Wah! hey're both doing their residencies and will shortly be making more in a year than I have in my whole life as of yet.
It must be californians Or is it med students? Anyone know?
Whoever loans them a car - if anyone agrees to - should make sure that there is appropriate insurance coverage - and that the people doing the loaning pay the extra premium incurred.
I can't believe the nerve. Really.
It blows my mind.
Tonight, while I was out shoveling dirt, HM#1 overheard HM#2 tell a guest not to look around because "the house is such a mess!" Which it isn't, really. Then she proceeded to blame my animals. The &^%ing &^% &^%&*$ hasn't cleaned anything more than 3 times since she's lived here.
I just can't envision you having roommates, littlek. You seem like the kind of person that would live alone.
I've always had them. I sometimes think I'd like to live alone, but then I think that I'd cross to the dark side if I did.
Are your roommates A2Kers?
Nope, I only have hooked Dag into a2k. You all can thank me for that.
easy, easy. and hello from frisco!
Do me a favor...say hello to Uncle Ben for me.
Thanks, you're a doll.
Hey, speaking of life at home, I've got now a temporary fourth roomate.
He dumped his broad...
he dumped his broad and lost a place to live? You sure she didn't dump him?