I have two housemates here in The Hague. Nice guys, one is almost 10 years younger than me. A bit too young perhaps, but is responsible enough and both are clean enough. This younger one, L., has a tendency to use my stuff though. Milk here, apple there, my cups (I have two...shipped from the U.S. - Boston U. and Harvard U.)....
...or, I should say I HAD two. Often one of the cups disappears for days. I told him I don't like that, and that he can use them but return them. He got the message. But my Harvard U. cup was missing for a week, so I asked today if he has it. He broke it. I know it's a silly cup, but I was rather miffed about it. He didn't bother telling me for a week. As if I shipped the damned thing for his enjoyment. He also used my toothbrush at least twice, by mistake I believe - he often comes home very very late (4-6 am) and likely drunk (he is young, and Norwegian...so that's kinda a given). I used the same toothpaste for 5 years, so naturally I notice when it smells different. And that REALLY pisses me off. Apples, cups, milk, yogurt, whatever.... but a toothbrush? Too much. Surely it's not on purpose, but it looks like I'm gonna have to start hiding my stuff out of sight. Grumble. He IS a nice guy otherwise though, just kinda careless in some ways. Meh.