Not something you said, I just like tomatoes (haha!)'re gonna make me look...arent you?
no, I refuse.
go ahead Q, you didn't need to sleep tonight, right?
Oh, gotcha ;-)
You know corpses do wonders for tomatoes. In fact all my veggies do very well when planted next to a corpse. That's why I've been searching for so long to get my hands on some.
It's not bad at all. I actually found it to be a very refreshing photo ;-)
yeah..Ill go see it tomorrow when the caffeine isnt kicking in enough or somethin
now I KNOW better than to see it tonight
Don't worry Quinn, the picture is very easy on the eye!
You don't know what you're missing Quinn.
Ok, I'll viewed it all. I like that you can buy an arm if you can't afford a whole corpse. I realllly like the vampire killing set.
fly balls and a guinness,,,,,,mmmmmm.
i had to look.
are those vine ripened tomatoes?
LOL Mikey!
I agree. I like the fact that you can just buy an arm as well. Sometimes, the cash flow just won't go far enough for a whole corpse, so an arm is surely better than nothing. I was checking out that vampire corpse and it seems to have caught my interest.
Last year I had beefsteaks, cherry, yellow, plum, and scotia tomatoes, but this year I think I'm just going with the scotia, yellow, and cherries.
I love my beefsteaks, but they get so big that they just keep falling down, so I'm not going to bother with them this year.
gezzy you ought to give "sweet 100's" a try slightly larger than cherry and ever so tasty.
Arm or head is a good for those on a budget I suppose.
I'll check those out. I bottle most of my tomatoes, so I tend to want them a good size. I plant the yellow ones because I love them with salads and sandwiches, or just plain. I plant the cherry tomatoes because my mother and son like them, and I plant all other tomatoes to bottle. I make my own spaghetti sauce, soups, chili, etc..., so I need lots of good size tomatoes. those sweet 100's instead of the regular cherry this year. I'll see if I can get them around here. Some tomatoes wouldn't do well here because of the short growing season, but I'm going to explore. Thanks for the info ;-)
A leg would be even better ;-)
Legs are nice.
Okay....giong to see this now..evenly between lunch and dinner and something to give my ride home an extra visual.

help those poor people having to drive along with me.
ahem, made me laugh twisted am I ????
I think the best deal is the glass eye...optical nerve cocktail...just lovely..and all yours for only 24.95