He did mention football, Gus, we know how important that is to the folks in Midland-Odessa. (that's Texas for you Aussie-folks, to whom we are in great debt owing to dlowen's contribution of Randy Newman's genius. Is there any one else like him? Has there ever been anyone else like Randy, I mean besides Oscar Wilde).... Oh, here the quote:
God said:
Quote:"Well, I'm not exactly powerless. I do answer prayers occasionally and there's the miracle or two now and again, and I do inspire some humans to greatness. You see them thanking me all the time right after they score a touchdown."
I love you, Eva, in the real Christian love kind of love. I only fired the great pompous overbearing bathrobe wearing mean-as-a-snake God, the one who kills children with earthquakes and then grins as the Hindu guru proclaims that those who died must have had some karma attached to them or the bishop who explained this morning on NPR that "all of us are tainted by sin and thus deserving of punishment." Even the eighteen month old on the cover of US News, I guess.
By the way, I think God is still available for personal appointments, answering specific prayers of individuals and students.
"Please God, don't let us have a pop-quiz today." and
"God, give me the strength to understand my husband's obtuseness and make me continue to see the goodness in him and stay fully in love with him, thickhead and all."
The God who is fired is the one who is supposed to be the resivoir of grace for all mankind, the Buddha, the most Holy Allah, the Lord of the Universe, Ganesh, the Christ, the one who by His very Being is supposed to lead all humanity to
love and who hasn't even seemed to
try lately. Maybe he is busy with some other universe, as Sandburg said.
But you are right about taking his place. All of us who fire God, who send him packing two space-time warps over, are now required to fill in for him. So beginning today I've become more aware of those souls around me, not that I've been much of a slacker in that before now, but now I'm looking for reasons to be more a means to peace than I ever have before, more a font of grace, more a mind of wisdom and love. And before any scoff, i say, i do this humbly and without regard of reward, other than seeing the joy on the faces around me. I cannot do but this.
and I will try to answer all emails more quickly, but no promises.
Joe (Maybe this is what He wanted all along.) Nation