Sun 9 Jan, 2005 06:48 pm
I had to call God into my office on Friday afternoon.
This was going to be difficult, but for the best, really. I had gone over what had occurred several times with several of the best people and we were all agreed. It fell to me to deliver the message.
There was a blast of cold air and then His presence could be felt all around me.
"Please, have a seat and could you do something about the smoke?"
.. aren't you supposed to be quaking in fear, or on your knees or something?"
"Not for purposes of this meeting. Please, uh, take some form and, any form really, and make yourself comfortable."
There was a blinding flash of light and I fell to the floor. When I managed to get to my feet, I saw Him sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk.. He looked like my best friend from high school, Giles. He smiled at me as I dusted off my pants. It was a very nice smile. Beatific, the sisters would have said.
"Thanks for coming on such short notice.."
"No problem."
"..but I wanted to get this out of the way before the weekend."
"Get what out of the way?"
"Well, Giles, er, God, I called you here today to go over your performance record.
"My performan
"Lately, and several times, some would say, multiple times before, you have either allowed thing to happen to, or worse perhaps, caused things to happen to humanity that are just no longer acceptable."
"I work in mysterious ways."
"Now see, that's the kind of attitude that leads us to the situation we are in today."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, and the rest of humanity I think, is in agreement with me, that we need to find someone more dependable in your job."
"But I've always worked in mysterious ways, you guys are just supposed to be in wonder, that's the way it's supposed to work!."
"Yeah, but times change, the world you created is vastly different now then 100,000 years ago, surely you see that?"
"You're just upset about the tsunami."
"The tsunami?!! The tsunami is just the half of it!! What about the Congo?
"Well, .."
"And Dafur?"
"Now Dafur is one..."
"And the ebola virus? And AIDs?"
"You're not giving me...."
And that's just Africa I'm talking about.!! The whole world's a mess and millions of people are suffering."
"Well, there have always been wars and plagues and the poor we shall always have.."
"Excuse me, then what's the point?"
"What's the point of being able to connect with a Supreme Being if that Supreme Being is powerless to prevent harm to those he calls his children?"
"Well, I'm not exactly powerless. I do answer prayers occasionally and there's the miracle or two now and again, and I do inspire some humans to greatness. You see them thanking me all the time right after they score a touchdown."
"You think that balances things out?"
"I think some people are very happy to have me in their lives."
"You think any of them are the parents of children with aggressive onset leukemia?"
"Or any of the millions who tonight will be in darkness and not know when they will eat again or find the families or feel any form of love in their lives."
"Now wait a minute
"Or any of the hundreds of thousands of believers of one form of you who will be killing some hundreds of thousands of believers of some other form of you before dawn tomorrow?"
"Now a lot of my believers are full of love and happiness."
" Yeah, the comfortable ones. I have to tell you, God, it just not good enough. Life is too hard and you are not making it any easier."
"Am I supposed to make life easier? Hey, your reward is in heaven."
"Oh cut that out. You and I both know that if that were true you wouldn't even bother about putting us here. What kind of a God creates some one, gives them a chance at life and then, if they fail, puts them in Hell. What kind of manipulative son of a bitch would that God be?"
"Er.. I work in mysterious ways, what can I tell you?"
"What I can tell you is that it's over."
"What's over?"
"The little game you've been playing. The God of Mercy and Love ---- all the while his children burn and bleed. So we've had it. You're fired."
"I'm fired? Heh Heh, you can't fire me."
"I just did. Your services, no pun intended, are no longer required."
"But, but.."
"But what? Nothing's going to change for us humans, and you've been no help at all lately. So we'd rather take our chances alone than be dependant upon someone who is not dependable. So thank very much, it was a good run. I wish you well in your other universes, please see Marge at the end of the hall for your final tithe check."
"The world may stop revolving, spinning slowly down to die."
"Yeah, my regards to your dad and David Gates. Shut the door on your way out, please."
It's Sunday. So far so good.
Joe (someone had to do it) Nation
God already told me about this. I'm not supposd to talk about it...but be careful.... and observant.....
I'm afraid Joe, very afraid you didn't offer god a rehab plan and that's in violation of HR regulations. I'm drafting a memo to you on that issue first chance I get.
Marge said he was all blubbery and said that this was all about the tsunami so I think he missed the point and I hope he does well elsewhere in existence.
You think he hasn't left yet?
Joe (no sign of him here.) Nation
OKay, let me see if I get it...
Is this original writing?
(I really mean what I am asking.... in a good way. :wink: )
Fortunately for you, He probably won't file for unemployment, won't need COBRA health coverage, and likely won't speak ill of you to other gods.
Personally, I don't believe in hiring people who make promises about Their production that we both know They can't keep.
Joe, dear Joe, your writing is fantastic!! However, I am sore afraid. Considering God's age, you just might be slapped with an age discrimination suit. Be careful, my friend, cause old God can afford a team of the very best.
Please keep these stories coming!!
There is no maybe about this because there is no maybe.
And yes, I sign everything I write or I reference the author.
Thank yuh.
Joe( the sun will come up tomorrow) Nation
Good writing, Joe. And timely. I saw him running down the street wearing a barrel shortly after you did the deed.
you do realize that you'll now have to buy the wine for your office parties just like everybody else?
Joe Nation wrote:There is no maybe about this because there is no maybe.
Hmm... but
no maybe?
I'm still searching, and I think he might be testing me through you.
Congrats on your writing. It's fantastic!
I did check, he was an independent contractor for as long as he was with us.
I did think he did some good work. I love the color of the Gulf at sunset and the mountains in Northern Wyoming are just stunning, but I think we all agree, it was his attempts at making rational human being that were abject failures.
I have recommended in a letter to other universes that he be employed in creation projects regarding structures such as canyons and great rivers. He really did some things well even in the living things area, maple leaves and parrots come to mind, and I love the little notch at the bottom of Mrs. Nation's ears.
I'm sure he will find a place and in time be able to make creations that are able to unselfishly love.
Joe (help wanted ad space)Nation
Hey, Bi-Polar Bear! Let me know whether you got my e-mail replying to your PM.
Well, Joe, one thing you and Gus share is genius....
Unfortunately, your company needed him more than he needed the job.
Quote:Unfortunately, your company needed him more than he needed the job.
Do you think that was why he was slacking off? I really thought he should have been fired after the recent unpleasantness in Europe and the Far East 1938-1945, what with first, the horror of the death camps followed by the incineration of two cities full of civilians, both actions the work of believers who proclaim the need to be Christlike. One has to wonder if he hadn't failed his followers somehow, surely he didn't want those things to happen or if he did, well, who needs a god like that?
But then things didn't get better, did they? Believers were certainly excited about confronting non-believers living under Communism, but during the struggle they allowed millions to die of starvation, disease and poverty in order to prop up regimes who supported the believing side of the world. See South Africa, the Congo, etc. And the Irish were killing the Irish over which God had it right, while Hindus struck at Muslims and Muslims slashed back and forth with the Jews.
When the children finally grew up and began talking about how they had been treated by their parish priests, I began to think maybe it was time to let him go.
I think the things he said are important and true, I think the ideas he had ought to be tried, but he was apparently not the God to lead people into salvation and love. Or peace.
What do you think? How did God go wrong? Did people only pretend to understand what he was talking about or was it impossible from the get-go?
I'm not thinking about re-hiring him, he's already had his chance and I think we can become a peaceful world once we let go of the idea of exclusive access to God and accept people as they are----- humans.
Joe( I read the news today, o boy.) Nation
I heard the phrase
"needs some serious smoting around here"
"So help me, ME"
Dang, Joe. What have you gone and done now?
What if the problem was elsewhere? Did you check to see how things were running prior to his employment?