Mon 28 Oct, 2002 03:44 pm
If it wasn't for venetian blinds it'd be curtains for all of us.
In every film there is a scene which includes a person carrying a large brown paper bag full of groceries. The bag will invariably have a long skinny French baguette, of which 4.36 inches will be exposed.
The only good acting is from the losing nominees on Oscar night.
An Epic is a film so long that you have to go out half-way through it to pee, and when you come back you cannot pick up the thread of the missing 2 minutes.
The three greatest mysterys of our time:
1. The Third Secret of The Miracle of Fatima.
2. The formula for Coca Cola.
3.. What does Harrison Ford see in Ally McBeale? (Or Callista Flockhart for the matter of that?)
It is said that Bo Derek does not understand the concept of Roman Numerals. She thought there was a World War Eleven.