ALL Canadians own dog sleds and, if you know anything, about which Im beginning to wonder, youll know that in order to have a well oiled sled dog team, you must accept your dogs like family members. SO all Canadians are friendly and they speak to you in that high voice'
"WHO'S A GOOD BOY"? All the way from our president down Americans need stroking and positive feedback so being handled just like a dogteam, Canadians are really good at interaction with the USA.
We send our excess chicken thighs nd kibbles to Canada because every canadian has at least 8 dogs to take care of and it can be a real hassle, what with all the snow and getting to Canadian Tire or IO Food to buy kibbles and bits. OY, .
Do Israelis even like dogs?, can you operate a dogsled? or would you all miss your camels? If you move to America we only drive Camaros and Cadillacs and occasionally have to bomb the mid East to let them know whose boss so we have enough gas.