Thu 6 Jan, 2005 07:47 am
Anyone with any kind of basic knowledge of the US system of law, understands that one law, will create 10 others and alter 20 existing laws...Gay marraige is simply a tool to take a section of populas, and use them in the manor democrats have used other minorities...I personally do not believe that being gay is a crime, bad, evil or in any way, makes a gay person less of a person...however, I do believe the gay populas is being led, by the motives of those who could care less about any benefits or their well being, or their equal standing in America...rather, they seek their own agendas of copying the faliures of European countries, whist in the name of 'freedom' and equality have a legal sex age of 11 years old...and as the gay marriage issue is set before the gay population as an injustice...already lawyers are waiting in the wings to challenge the legal sex age under the same guise....thus, it is for selfish reasons; that normally intelligent people are led by their emotions rather than by foresight...
I'm not sure what your saying here.
What I'm saying is to look at the history of any creation of law in the United States, follow the effects it has had on creating new law, and altering existing law...look closely at the gay marriage issue, behind it, you will find those who are eager to challenge laws that are germane to legal sex age, the number of one's spouces etc...The "Man Boy love" org. has lawyers in waiting, if the gay marriage law were ever to be made law...I don't think that is the motive of gay people...thus, one does not need 'marriage' inorder to be legaling bound and know all of the same benefits...the issue is a farse, and the gay population is being the democrats have always used minorities...
Your caption reads: Opening the door to child abuse-gay marriage.
What brings you to come to that conclusion?
Are you suggesting that if gay marriages are legalised that this will somehow lead to the lowering of the age at which young people can consent to sex & also lead to marriages with multiple partners? Some sort of Democrats/lawyers conspiracy? I really doubt that.
msolga, what you seriously doubt is history, knowledge and the reality of those who I have exampled...denial is a powerful tool, but it doesn't trump reality beyond the motives...conspiracies don't come with examples do they?..
I think I see what you are getting at, I just don't totally agree that legalizing gay marriage will lead to laws legalizing sexual relationships between adults and children as young as 11. Will some people advocate doing that? The "man boy love org." may very well advocate it, but that does not make it inevitable. While I may be against gay marriage for several reasons, this is not one of them.
Oh, and as for opening the door to marriages between more than two adults, I do consider that a possible outcome. Although why anyone would want to put up with being married to two people at the same time is beyond me. I have enough trouble with the one I am married to.
The legal age to have sex in some European countries is infact 11 years old...trace their history in how that came about...what is let loose will be sought after, and made so...terrorist depend on our choking ourselves to death with our own laws...many in our own government, are trying hard to give them a helping hand...the issue of gay marraige is but one door they seek to open, and sticking our heads in the ground, saying"I don't believe that could ever happen" a good way to turn the knob..
MysticWarrior4Truth wrote:The legal age to have sex in some European countries is infact 11 years old...
Which European country u r talking abt ? Do you have any data to back this up ?
Considering the arguments which you have given, you should be blaming the lawyers, not gay couples.
So, let me see if I have this right.
Democrats are using the gay rights issue as a way to allow themselves to eventually legally screw 11 year olds?
mystic warrior
We have some protocols in place here for our discussions.
First of all, if you make a claim that X is true (european countries with legal age of consent for sexual relations at 11) you provide evidence for your claim. People often have their facts wrong, so the rest of us need to be able to verify. Proper evidence would be, for example, a link to some document or site that does verify the claim.
Further, if you want anyone else to accept a notion such as 'one law passed will result in many more laws being passed', you'd better give an example that, again, we can verify.
(And this time, I mean BM in both senses!)
What the fff..........I think your title is very misleading.It sounds like if gay people marry they themselves will increase cases of child abuse.
Abuse is abuse, rape is rape, murder is murder.Age shouldnt be a factor.If a middle aged person is abused is it better than a kid being abused because they are older??!!?
Laws have to change.Mostly they change for the better,they are reasessed and updated to move with the times.
No person of the law in their right minds would do anything to put kids into anymore danger.
I seriously cant see how a change in gay couples getting married is a step closer to a relaxed view on child abuse laws.
If the legal age to have sex in any country is 11 it does not mean that kids are going to be 'doing it'!!!
11 to me is way to young,personnaly Id go for 25.
I'm gonna have to object to your 25 age of consent. Not that it affects me since I long ago passed that point......
I would settle for after marriage no matter the age. But what does this old codger know.
MysticWarrior4Truth wrote:.what is let loose will be sought after, and made so...terrorist depend on our choking ourselves to death with our own laws...many in our own government, are trying hard to give them a helping hand...the issue of gay marraige is but one door they seek to open, and sticking our heads in the ground, saying"I don't believe that could ever happen" a good way to turn the knob..
You surely will enlighten us, about what you are talking here.
Quote:The legal age to have sex in some European countries is infact 11 years old...trace their history in how that came about..
You are correct, when you say that about 1000 years ago some European nobility married 10 or 11 year old girls.
But this was neither the rule nor had to do anything with sex (at least as first reasons).
With 'gay'? I can't see why.
au1929 wrote:I would settle for after marriage no matter the age. But what does this old codger know.
I would join that bandwagon. Sure would seem to solve a lot of problems, but what do I know.
What age do you think the gay age of consent would be?
I merely think 25 should be the age of consent as Im trying to pay attention to how im changing over the years.At 25 I felt as tho I could deal with relationships and the heartache they can bring, but we are all different.
This should probably be on another thread but,Wasnt Mary mother of Jesus about 13 when she got pregnant?
Also who thinks its a bit naff of God to impregnate someone elses wife?
Was Mary married to Joseph at the time the deed was done? I don't think so because she was a virgin was she not?