Re: re
diana78 wrote:Cin-i might be immature, but at least i'm not a bitch (;
I know this guy is not a toy Noddy, i dont think i really played games last night...part of me feels like he'd be relieved if i didnt call him back, then the other part says, well he does keep calling me and he said he wants to continue talking to me. However i feel like he and i are looking for different things right now. I"m trying to decide, do i cut ties and find someone who can give me what i want or do i stick around for what he wants because i'm so into him right now.
Oh no, you didn't play games. Not at all. You called him. He called you. You didn't answer, knowing it was him. You pick up by mistake and hang up. Then when you finally decide to talk to him, you tell him that you didn't pick up earlier and hang up. Geesh, do I have that straight? But you were not playing games? Then when someone on this forum says you were acting like a 14 yr old, you are so mature that you begin calling names. Remember Diana, you are the one posting all the details of this relationship on here for comments, so just because you get some you don't like is no reason to begin calling others names.
Oh, and for the record, the post did sound like it was coming from a kid and I do think you were playing games with him. When you call someone and they return the call, be mature enough to pick it up and talk to him. If you are busy, tell him so and that you will call him back. But don't play games. It only reinforces the belief that you are immature, even if you aren't.
I'm done now. You can begin calling me names at your convenience. :wink: