I'm sure you remember i'm the one seeing the guy in AA. Well I hung out with him this past weekend. I got there saturday afternoon and we hung out until I left at about 8pm sunday. We went out to eat, watched movies, etc. I will say that we had sex and it was really good. Anyways, when i left sunday he was like, i'll come down to where you are tuesday night and we can go to a nice dinner/movie etc. So he came down last night and we went out to eat, then when to the movies. He was away in another country over the holidays and he called me everyday. He said that he obviously interested me since he had done that and he told me many times that he missed me and couldnt wait to see me.
Last night i just felt like things were weird, i got a strange vibe of what is going on i guess. He attends AA in another part of the state which is about 3 hrs away. I met him dec 3rd and conveniently he was home a lot over the holidays. So last night he said, so i'm gonna be gone for a while, i wont be back here for about another 3-4 weeks. I didnt say much. In the past he has asked me if i wanted to go visit him but he didnt bring that up this time. Later he says, so are you going to be mad if i dont call you like every single day. I said no. Later we really talked about things and now i jsut dont know if we want the same thing. I said i wasnt sure what was going on with us and he said, well we both enjoy each other's company and hanging out. I asked if we were dating and he said, yeah i think we have been. I even asked if he thought of me as his girlfriend and he said he did. I said so if someone asked you if you had a girlfriend you'd say yes? He said he'd most likely say something along the lines of well yeah i've been seeing this girl for about a month. He said he wants to keep things light and see where things unfold. I asked if he cares about me he said yes, i asked if he has feelings for me and he said he doesnt want to have these emotional intense feelings right now. He even was like, what do you want for me to propose marriage to you and just stop doing the program because we've met?
I know i'm going to get hurt, he said he doesnt want to hurt me. I told him that i've been asked out by other guys and said no because of him. he told me that he's not seeing anyone else, but would understand if i wanted to go out with other people. I said, fine, maybe i will. He didnt say anything.
This morning he was saying how his mom is coming to visit. As i said a few weeks back he asked if i wanted to come out. I jokingly said, oh you didnt invite me out. He was like, oh so that's what you were waiting for, i thought you just wanted me to come here. Then he's like, you can come out and visit. I said, well i wasnt invited. He just laughed and said, i dont want to argue about this again so we let it drop. When i dropped him off this morning he said he'd miss me and he'd call me tonight. I dont know what to do....
Let me get this straight....you are having sex with a guy who wants to keep things light and not have a deep emotional relationship. But he still wants to jump in the sack with you. If asked by someone if he has a girlfriend he claims he will say something along the lines of "well, I've been seeing this girl for about a month".
And you can't figure out what to do?? I don't think I need to tell you my opinion, you can probably guess.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 01:57 pm
i sent him a text saying, sorry for putting any pressure on you last night, i dont want to do that. He said, dont worry, i just need to get healthy right now. I care about you. I said, i know you need to get healthy, i just like being with you. He said, me too.
I cant really ask or expect much more than that at this point. He basically want to take things lightly...what i would like to know is if he would eventually want it to be more...he just said, to let things 'unfold.' Some of my friends said that most guys dont know after a month of hanging out with someone exactly how they feel and it's not like he and i were together the whole month...so now i feel silly for asking those questions...
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 02:11 pm
Now I know why they say love it blind.
Hope it all works out for you though.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 02:43 pm
i dont know what you mean by the love is blind thing in my situation.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:02 pm
Re: re
diana78 wrote:
I cant really ask or expect much more than that at this point. ...
I think you hit the nail on the head here. My impression is that you haven't done a single thing wrong, and I know it's hard to keep that in mind, but I think it's true.
It's OK for him to not want to get really involved with someone right now. In fact, I'd guess AA is strongly advising him NOT to get very involved. So, hey, nothing that's happened is your fault.
If I were you, I'd go ahead and see other guys. No need to tell him about them, unless he specifically asks. And try to enjoy his company, too.
It's common, I think, for folks in AA to not really be able to "engage" with the opposite sex, especially early in their recovery. Maybe later he'll be more emotionally available.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:12 pm
i know...i guess i was just hoping he would say something like, yes i want a serious relationship with you, i cant imagine being with out you ever again. lol, ok kidding. But seriously i'm a bit confused. LIke i said he called me everyday when he was on vacation...i have pretty much spoken to him everyday since i met him...to me you dont call someone every day (esp from puerta rico) unless you are very interested in them. I have met his parents, he said they love me and ask about me all the time. Even he said over the weekend, do you think i would have called you every day from pr if i wasnt intersted? I know the AA is obviously an issue. However if it was such an issue i dont know why he got involved with in the first place. I asked him last night, why did you bother talking to me, he asked me, well why did you continue to talk to me. I just feel like i'm at a very confusing point and ultimately i'll be hurt. He says now, oh i want to keep things light...well it didnt seem liek that last week and over the weekend...
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:37 pm
Well, shoot, I'd be confused and upset too! Who wouldn't? I think your reactions are totally normal, so no need to beat yourself up about it.
I think he screwed up by letting himself feel so much for you when AA advises so strongly against it. But, well, better he screwed up with too much affection than too little, or, at least you can look at it that way.
I imagine (may be wrong) that his AA sponsor/friends found out how close he became to you how fast, and said, "Hey, put on the brakes!" So he did. This is actually probably good advice from them, but I'm sure it hurts you. I'm sorry for that, and I feel for you.
I'd try to see it all as a really big compliment to you....you were so attractive to him that, for a while, he forgot all about AA.
But he has to stick with AA....if he's in it, his life may well be in danger without it. So, looking at it this way, AA is sort of holding a knife to his throat and saying, do you want her so badly you're willing to die for her?
He got into AA for a darned good reason, believe me, and if he wants to be in any sort of relationship with anyone, he has to be alive to do so.
My advice: Go right now to the Jokes forum and read a few. In a few days, when you're feeling a little better, accept one of those other dates, and be glad you don't have to be in AA just to stay alive.
I sure hope this helps! I wish you the best of luck & a WAY happy future.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:55 pm
thanks. He actually doesnt have a sponsor yet...i asked him. Right now i'm jsut feeling like this is bullsh*t. Why the f*ck did i have to get mixed up with someone in AA? I know it's my fault, he was upfront with me, but he said NOTHING about not being able to be involved with anyone. I am so sick of everything. I have been enagaged-that didnt work out, dated someone else after that for a year-that didnt work out. NOW THIS. WHen the hell is it going to be my turn??? why does this **** keep happening to ME?
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:03 pm
Re: re
diana78 wrote:
thanks. He actually doesnt have a sponsor yet...i asked him. Right now i'm jsut feeling like this is bullsh*t. Why the f*ck did i have to get mixed up with someone in AA? I know it's my fault, he was upfront with me, but he said NOTHING about not being able to be involved with anyone. I am so sick of everything. I have been enagaged-that didnt work out, dated someone else after that for a year-that didnt work out. NOW THIS. WHen the hell is it going to be my turn??? why does this **** keep happening to ME?
We all think we are the only ones it's happening to. When in actuality most of us complain like that
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:11 pm
One of my close friends is having troubles of her own in a relationship with a guy in AA. He says all the same things that your guy is telling you, and she is just as hopeful, but it makes her sad because she wants the relationship to progress, and he isn't able to give that to her. He says that AA really promotes not getting into a relationship during recovery.
BorisKitten is right. Don't put your life on hold. You do have the right to ask for more! Remember, it's your happiness in the long run that you should be concerned with!
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:20 pm
i'm just really sad right now...i have such a good time with him, i'm totally attracted to him, feeling seems to be mutual on his end, but oops, there's always something, this time it's aa. I feel like i'm being selfish. of course i want him to be healthy, but at the same time, of course i dont see myself as being unhealthy. I dont see why aa is so against relationships...they often boost people's self esteem.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:23 pm
It's not just AA, it's also your insecurity and constant need for reassurance. (BorisKitten, you may want to read back for some context with diana.)
Have you started with counseling yet? How is that going, if so? Why not, if not?
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:24 pm
Oh man, talk about Know That Feeling! Fact is, this BS happens to EVERYONE in relationships, male, female, transexual, whatever. Not that that makes it all fixed & easy, but at least you know you're not alone!
Go on and read my problems with the guy I've been married to for 8 years, living with for 11 years. The post is title "Marriage: Work: Equality" or something like that, only a few days back. I find it really helps me to read other people's problems, since there's NO ONE I'd like to trade problems with!
Sometimes all I can do is pick up & snuggle my little Boris Kitten. He loves me all the danged time!
And hey, no way is this your fault!
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:26 pm
i'm seeing my therapist tonight. Im at work right now almost in tears...i just really want things to work out with him, but it jsut seems like it's so much the wrong time right now. I feel like how many freaking guys am i going to meet in my lifetime before i find the one. I'm sick of it! why does it work out for other people with no problem? i dont even care abuot reassurance anymore.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:27 pm
sozobe wrote:
(BorisKitten, you may want to read back for some context with diana.)
You're absolutely right, I haven't gone back and read her history. And probably I should have.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:29 pm
Re: re
<<why does it work out for other people with no problem?>>
I've personally never met anyone who had no problems in their current relationships, unless they were lying or crazy.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:29 pm
That's great that you've followed through with therapy.
diana, I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, when you are comfortable enough with yourself that you don't NEED a man, you'll finally be in a position to find a good one. If you come from a place of insecurity and neediness, you'll chase away the good ones and get tangled up in bad stuff with bad ones... for a while anyway.
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Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:30 pm
Oh, not saying you should have, BorisKitten, it's just that context is all with diana. I started out very sympathetic, and my sympathy certainly hasn't dried up completely, but the thing is she does the same thing again... and again... and again...