Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:02 am
Anyone ever have pnemonia? I had it twice when I was younger, but for the life of me can't remember what it felt like or what the symptoms were. Or bronchitis? Or any other lung malady. The reason I ask is because I am debating going to the doctors regarding my chest congestion/cough. I've had laryngitis since Saturday, started coughing with chest congestion Sunday and have not made any signifigant improvement. I felt completely normal on Monday, with the exception of my cough. Felt ok yesterday but am soooo tired today. Just lathargic. My chest feels "funny", I alternate between productive and non-productive (seal bark sounding coughs). I don't have a fever (excpet maybe 1 degree) but I feel exhausted. I haven't gone yet because I was convinced it was just a cold but now I don't know.
I know everyone is going to tell me to go to the doctor but any suggestions on whether or not this is just a cold or something more? Thanks guys.
Kristie- Check the damn thing out. If you indeed have bronchitis, you may need an antibiotic. A doctor can prescribe some medications to control the symptoms, and make you more comfortable. If there is a "bug" going around in your community, the doctor will know about it. He may want to do some blood work, on account of the lethargy. IMO, better safe than sorry!
ok, ok, so this was a stupid question. I'll call my doctor.
The seal bark sounds like bronchitis. Go to the doc. You need to stop it before it gets worse.
lots of respiratory infections including pneumonia and bronchitis are caused by viruses, meaning antibiotics won't do any good. a productive cough with foul-smelling sputum and feeling REALLY crappy make a bacterial infection more likely. if you're concerned, seeing a doctor can't hurt.
My husband recently had a bad cough with chest congestion. It seemed he was feeling better, but the cough persisted. He finally went to the doctor and they discovered he had the beginnings of bronchitis. Your description sounds a lot like his, might as well go tot he doctors in case. Better to find out before it gets serious. And Phoenix is right my husband is now taking antibiotics for his bronchitis.