mmm my 'best' friend as a teenager was Maltese (I was at an English school in Malta, we were living there)
When I left we wrote and kept up the friendship
She married an English soldier and had 2 kids and they came to stay with me, my husband and daughter for a week - nightmare! we'd both changed and nothing at all in common. She showed off constantly about stuff that she did or had or places she'd been to - I tried to make allowances knowing it was still all fairly new to her but it got sooooo wearing that I stopped writing any more. Her husband was also a bully to one of the boys, constantly pushing him too high on swings and calling him a wimp if he cried (he was only about 4 years old) and I didn't like him at all.
A couple of years later I had a letter out of the blue saying they'd like to visit us as they were stationed not too far away - panic
- I wrote to say we were moving house and I'd send the new address once it all went through - of course I never wrote and she got the message.
I felt guilty as we'd been such good friends in our teens