woiyo wrote:
Again, our mission to protect the US was completed the day we captured Saddam and stopped looking for WMD.
Do you really believe there is any truth to this statement?
bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network has been identified as the group responsible for compromising the safety of the American people, for bringing death to their own soil with unprecidented force and power.
I am continually unable to see how the "mission to protect the US" even included Iraq. Perhaps I am just too thick to see what the Bushies see...
....what do you mean "stopped looking for WMD"?
If they did in fact exist, which the current administration sold the American public on, then wouldn't finding them be of the utmost importance:
1. To give an ounce of legitimacy to their cause
2. To prevent them from getting into the wrong hands.
Stopping looking for them, seems in a sense, a method of aiding terrorists. Does it not?
If Saddam's WMD existed, they still exist today.
If they were in bad hands with Saddam, and are not currently in the hands of the American military, they are in far worse hands by now.