I believe life has been very meaningful for me! From the kid born and reared in Sacramento, CA, to the 83 year old senior now living in Sunnyvale, CA, with so much experiences with family and friends, different locations of living, traveling to 88 countries, and making friends in so many. Traveled to all 7 continents, flew to Mt Everest, dipped my feet in the Dead Sea, visited the northernmost and southernmost cities of the world, visited many of the world's famous sites including the Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Coloseum of Rome, Great Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, Walt Disney World, Statue of Liberty, but missed all those under water. Cruised across both major ponds, took a train from Montreal to Vancouver, cruised most of the major rivers of the world, visited most of the major cities of the world, and even visited Ernest Shackelton's grave site in South Georgia Island and Esperanza Base on Antarctica. All my siblings are religious, but I'm an atheist. I believe in evolution over creation, and believe this planet is over 4.5 billion years old. There are thousands of religions in this world; all created by men. I call religion an accident of birth. My religion is science, and what it reveals about our environment, and what the meaning of life is all about. Politics, religion, culture, race, and language influences all of our lives. Some are lucky to live in democracies, while many live in tyrannical countries. Those of us who live in democracies have more freedom of choice. We are the lucky ones.
The different places I have lived (not in chronological order): Sacramento, CA; Tule Lake Concentration Camp in Northern CA during WWII (block 2706-D); Oakland, CA; Berkeley, CA; Fremont, CA; Travis AFB, CA; Ben Guerir AFB, Morocco; Walker AFB, NM; Chicago, IL; Naperville, IL; and Sunnyvale, CA. Some of the places I have travelled: About a third of the US states, Canada (most of the provinces except some in the north), most of Europe, Asia, Austria, South Africa, Australia, Cuba, the Caribbean Islands, China, Russia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the 5 Stans, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Singapore, Bhutan, Zambia, and Malaysia.
Most of all, I treasure many of the friendships I have made in so many countries.