Evolutionry/religious nonsense

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2019 11:29 am
I believe life has been very meaningful for me! From the kid born and reared in Sacramento, CA, to the 83 year old senior now living in Sunnyvale, CA, with so much experiences with family and friends, different locations of living, traveling to 88 countries, and making friends in so many. Traveled to all 7 continents, flew to Mt Everest, dipped my feet in the Dead Sea, visited the northernmost and southernmost cities of the world, visited many of the world's famous sites including the Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Coloseum of Rome, Great Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, Walt Disney World, Statue of Liberty, but missed all those under water. Cruised across both major ponds, took a train from Montreal to Vancouver, cruised most of the major rivers of the world, visited most of the major cities of the world, and even visited Ernest Shackelton's grave site in South Georgia Island and Esperanza Base on Antarctica. All my siblings are religious, but I'm an atheist. I believe in evolution over creation, and believe this planet is over 4.5 billion years old. There are thousands of religions in this world; all created by men. I call religion an accident of birth. My religion is science, and what it reveals about our environment, and what the meaning of life is all about. Politics, religion, culture, race, and language influences all of our lives. Some are lucky to live in democracies, while many live in tyrannical countries. Those of us who live in democracies have more freedom of choice. We are the lucky ones.

The different places I have lived (not in chronological order): Sacramento, CA; Tule Lake Concentration Camp in Northern CA during WWII (block 2706-D); Oakland, CA; Berkeley, CA; Fremont, CA; Travis AFB, CA; Ben Guerir AFB, Morocco; Walker AFB, NM; Chicago, IL; Naperville, IL; and Sunnyvale, CA. Some of the places I have travelled: About a third of the US states, Canada (most of the provinces except some in the north), most of Europe, Asia, Austria, South Africa, Australia, Cuba, the Caribbean Islands, China, Russia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the 5 Stans, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Singapore, Bhutan, Zambia, and Malaysia.
Most of all, I treasure many of the friendships I have made in so many countries.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2019 08:27 am
@cicerone imposter,
I believe life has been very meaningful for me! From the kid born and reared in Sacramento, CA, to the 83 year old senior now living in Sunnyvale, CA, with so much experiences with family and friends, different locations of living, traveling to 88 countries, and making friends in so many. Traveled to all 7 continents, flew to Mt Everest, dipped my feet in the Dead Sea, visited the northernmost and southernmost cities of the world, visited many of the world's famous sites including the Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Coloseum of Rome, Great Pyramids of Giza, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, Walt Disney World, Statue of Liberty, but missed all those under water. Cruised across both major ponds, took a train from Montreal to Vancouver, cruised most of the major rivers of the world, visited most of the major cities of the world, and even visited Ernest Shackelton's grave site in South Georgia Island and Esperanza Base on Antarctica. All my siblings are religious, but I'm an atheist. I believe in evolution over creation, and believe this planet is over 4.5 billion years old. There are thousands of religions in this world; all created by men. I call religion an accident of birth. My religion is science, and what it reveals about our environment, and what the meaning of life is all about. Politics, religion, culture, race, and language influences all of our lives. Some are lucky to live in democracies, while many live in tyrannical countries. Those of us who live in democracies have more freedom of choice. We are the lucky ones.

The different places I have lived (not in chronological order): Sacramento, CA; Tule Lake Concentration Camp in Northern CA during WWII (block 2706-D); Oakland, CA; Berkeley, CA; Fremont, CA; Travis AFB, CA; Ben Guerir AFB, Morocco; Walker AFB, NM; Chicago, IL; Naperville, IL; and Sunnyvale, CA. Some of the places I have travelled: About a third of the US states, Canada (most of the provinces except some in the north), most of Europe, Asia, Austria, South Africa, Australia, Cuba, the Caribbean Islands, China, Russia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the 5 Stans, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Singapore, Bhutan, Zambia, and Malaysia.
Most of all, I treasure many of the friendships I have made in so many countries.

And in the words of King Solomon, it is all vanity and meaningless. That's true of your sacred Science too. It says you will decompose into inanimate matter with no meaning at all..

After your inevitable death, in less than the trifling years you have spent on earth, not a soul will likely remember your trips abroad, your relatives will likely be far more interested in picking over the bones of your estate after you die rather than anything else about you. Two thousand years after your insignificant death there is not a chance in hell that anyone will remember you, what your scientific beliefs were, or anything else about you. Same goes for both of us, if you are right about everything you have said.

Your science says our lives will have been absolutely meaningless. Except for any children we left behind, but that's not because they will remember us, no, just by living they will be the greatest single contribution to CO2 buildup in the atmosphere that we can make. Although all that air travel you did makes you a major contributor yourself. Are you serious enough about it to give up something you love?

But I digress, ultimately the earth dies along with our star and the universe goes cold and dark as the last of the white dwarfs wink out one by one and matter decays into elementary particles.

It really is meaningless CI, your Science says so.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2019 12:22 pm
Yep. Life really is meaningless without the true God or eternal life.

At least CI Has it knowledged his religious position, his faith in the terrible science of evolutionism, full of major assumptions (like the earth always having flesh eating and death).

His ‘science’ (his religion) says so.
Humanity is nothing more than modified pond scum, Which is nothing more than Atoms and molecules.
When our flesh rots and decays away, It is all meaningless unless There is absolute truth and purpose in life.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2019 01:42 pm
And in the words of King Solomon, it is all vanity and meaningless.
King Solomon was a fool for making such a statement. I wish I had the means to fly to the moon. We live only once, and the more we see of this world, the more we understand it. I would never be satisfied with your myopia and philosophy of life. You base your ideas on ignorance.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2019 07:06 pm
Well ain't you a breath of fresh air. Did somebody tinkle in your Wheaties this morning?
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 01:26 am
It's called 'irony' ....a slightly heavy attempt in keeping with his name !
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 04:25 am
It really is meaningless

Tell us again about the times god spoke with you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 04:31 am
it knowledged

Cousin It, is that you, acknowledge, prostrate yourself, roll over to the supine , now play brain dead, good hello.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 09:31 am
Leadfoot wrote:
It really is meaningless CI, your Science says so.

Thank you Mr. Agenda, for that unbiased and open minded evaluation of the conclusion you draw from science. It's no wonder you close your mind to what science is really telling us, if this is all you can draw from it.

Thankfully, many of us know that the meaning of life doesn't come from Science or Religion or any external source at all. It comes from Us. We create it.

When I look at what science tells us, I don't see any meaninglessness at all. I see an elegance and beauty which transcends all the religious dogma that has ever been wrapped around it.

I love the scientific view of things, and it doesn't show me anything meaningless at all.

Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 10:26 am
Einstein was a scientist, but also a mystic, not self-proclaimed. You can't really go around calling yourself a mystic. That's like calling yourself a Zen Buddhist. Because there is no dogma and no authority, it just wouldn't make any sense. However, mystics recognize each other. Einstein said, " Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind". But you have to keep them separate. Science cannot be religious, and religion cannot be scientific. And both are delicious in their own way.

How do you know you're a mystic? For one, how other people react to you. You're attacked by both fundamentalists and atheists. Mystics have difficulty defining their position, and are something like moderates, that is, attacked by both extremes.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 10:37 am
Oh, the sinful mind of mankind!
So eternally lost.
Isn’t it so true, that When God goes, (absolute truths)anything goes?!
So many opinions, so many false teachings/religions, but only one Truth!

One day soon, mine and your hearts will stop, our bodies will go cold, our flesh will rot and decay away (ew, the thought of my corroded flesh), all bcause of sin Sad
But we were given bodies once, and will have another! Well, if you choose eternal life that is...
Hope you guys choose life, not death in the end!

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 11:38 am
Once dead, always dead. That's the cycle of life on this planet. If everything lived and it continued to reproduce, this planet would be overwhelmed.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 12:07 pm
Thank you Mr. Agenda, for that unbiased and open minded evaluation of the conclusion you draw from science. It's no wonder you close your mind to what science is really telling us, if this is all you can draw from it.

Thankfully, many of us know that the meaning of life doesn't come from Science or Religion or any external source at all. It comes from Us. We create it.
I really love this current thread ros. It throws such a strong light on the consequences of our own way of thinking. I want that, for myself first, because I’m such a self centered asshole, but also because I can’t even recognize enlightenment until i at least recognize what it is. And we often can’t see our own obstacles to it unless someone gives a different perspective. I was taking CI’s own stated opinions and viewpoints and showing where they logically led. Or maybe there are a lot of people here that don’t appreciate the irony of their own beliefs.

So if you have a POV that’s different, tell me about it. Just telling me that I’m full of ****, got an agenda, etc. is unproductive. Unless you can tell me what the agenda is, that would interest me.

But enough about me, you introduced something new to the discussion - That WE are what gives meaning to existence. How does that work? What do we do to give life that? That, is something I would be interested in.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 01:54 pm
Science explains how our existence came about from South Africa, and how the landmass on this planet was one piece. https://www.livescience.com/38218-facts-about-pangaea.html Origins of humans. http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-sapiens
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 04:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That is not science. (Maybe bad science if anything).It is evolutionism doctrine. Some ppls interpretation of the world around us.
Just like your comment about once dead, always dead. Your religious belief.
Just your opinion, your interpretation.
Thx for your input, but of course you know I have concluded differently.

I just can’t wait til u meet your maker, and say to yourself, Wow, was I ever wrong! And that H&G guy had it right! Hehe
Love u brother! Choose life, not death!
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2019 04:50 pm
Helloandgoodbye wrote:
I just can’t wait til u meet your maker, and say to yourself, Wow, was I ever wrong! And that H&G guy had it right! Hehe
Love u brother! Choose life, not death!

What does this have to do with science?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2019 11:28 am

Re: Helloandgoodbye (Post 6785539)
Helloandgoodbye wrote:
I just can’t wait til u meet your maker, and say to yourself, Wow, was I ever wrong! And that H&G guy had it right! Hehe
Love u brother! Choose life, not death!
Another faithful servant.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2019 02:23 pm
Yep. Life really is meaningless without the true God or eternal life.
I disagree. I find a lot of meaning in life, and I don't need eternal life to find meaning (seriously, if you can't find it in this life, how are you going to find it in eternal life).

I notice many others who aren't religious also find meaning. Of course, there are also a plethora of people who have little meaning, little understanding, etc in their lives. That doesn't invalidate other meanings.

You are welcome to your belief when qualified by 'for me', but entirely wrong as a blanket statement. My guess though is that you will close your eyes to the reality of this.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2019 04:35 pm
I would find eternal life as boring. I've been fortunate to have lived during this period in human history where we have available flights that can take us anywhere. We're able to travel half way around the world in one day. Flying is okay, but being on land or sea and rivers are great ways to see this world. One of the great benefits of travel is meeting so many interesting people. It's been a unique experience; I have friends in Germany, France, England, Singapore, Mexico, Bhutan, Cuba, Canada, Australia, and all across the US. Evolutionary science taught us much about our environment, and how Homo sapiens came to be. That's about as good as it can get, although I find the prospect of flying to the moon to be very exceptional. Looking back on earth would be one of the greatest experience for any human. I'm sure in the future, it will become very common.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2019 09:50 am
Assuming Your religious position is true, and that After a person dies and their flesh has rotted away along with the horrible stench is gone too..... there is nothing.?

So in other words, it’s all for nothing? In the end everything we do will make no difference at all? Can’t Trump the eternal plan of nothingness the cold universe has?
Any meaning you find will ultimately be trumped by nothingness Is what you preach it seems. Therefore any meaning you think you find his in reality is meaningless because it has been ‘trumped’ do you see?

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