Evolutionry/religious nonsense

Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 07:41 am
Containing God within science,s ID attempts, would shrink and limit Him, reducing an almighty force into a "tinkerer"

What a genius move!

As witness for the plaintiff to invoke respect for God as a reason to support the supposed a-theist plaintiff, is, I dunno, a stroke of genius so diabolically clever, I mean, D-A-M-N-!
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 09:13 am
First off, I never countenanced the DOVER suit , since it really was relief from a stupid action of a one sided school board who only wanted their POV preached in science class.
They wanted multiple points of view, not a judicially imposed single point of view. They weren't removing evolution as it's currently taught from the curriculum were they?

The school board WAS VOTED OUT OF OFFICE.(You keep asserting the the ultimate outcome be left to the voters, well, that happened because the "Stealth Creationists" on the SChoolboard were elected under a false platform of "fiscal responsibility". ) They lied about their ultimate agendas because they tried to strong arm their belief upon the entire school district. (AND you still support that way of doing the public business??)

They were more than likely voted out of office because of a judicially imposed $2,000,000.00 legal bill. If they were planning on appealing it at the tax payers expense I would have voted them out and started my own school. It would be cheaper. I wish I could get you to pay for my school the same way you force ID people to pay for yours.

They were meeting the minimum requirements for science certification weren't they?

They lied about their ultimate agendas because they tried to strong arm their belief upon the entire school district. (AND you still support that way of doing the public business??)

How is allowing all views to be taught strong arming?

Isn't it strong arming when only one view is taught and you take people's money to pay for that bigoted school and then, strong arming them into supporting the bigoted school which then, requires them to build one that allows alternative points of view if they want their kids to have access to all the available information?

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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 09:35 am
check, thats ultimately hat happened. The plaintiffs had to wait four years and the parents who bgan the suit saw their kids being CHEATED in their brief senior High education . Several of the kids were trying to plan careers in biological sciences or pre med. The initial announcement of a mere tag to be affixed with a relatively harmless "definition of what the IDers feel is a theory in science" , was going to be followed up by presenting "OF Pandas and People" which was a handbook of Creationism that was later edited to remove the word "Creationism" and substituted by "Intelligent Design" I notice how you flopp your story around. ACtually everything you mentioned was done in Dover BEFORE the suit was brought

And the problem with learning an alternative point of view alongside the current mainstream science view is, what? Your kids might learn more? Is that a bad thing?

1.DISCUSSION AND DEBATE--Lots of time was wasted in the schoolboard meetings where parents, when they learned about the three "Stealth Creationism bord members"
Involving ther community in school board meetings and elections is a bad thing? Is ending the debate by judicial tyranny better?

2. VOTERS-t firt the voters had no recourse because the new schoolboard had four years to do its dirty deed.

And using judicial tyranny to make decisions is better than patiently allowing the local community to educate themselves and debate the issues? It's not like they were handing out information on teaching the children how to live immoral lifestyles.

They failed much of thir routine responsibility and took up the ID issue
Would of it been better to not put the disgruntled parents on the school board meeting agenda? Once again it appears in you don't support open debate and acceptance of alternative points of view. Is that the American way or the Stalinist way?

3 The science faculty became more active and appeared at board meetings to try to resist what would become the voting in of initiating some ID in biology.(Science faculty was warned how they work at the pleasure of the board, now firmly in the hands of the ID majority.
4. The law suit resulted from numerous appeals to the board over several years(which were totally ignored--So much for your "open

The school board is supposed to do what they think is right. They were highly educated elected officials. What if the opposite happens some day.

I will fight for natural evolution to be taught along side ID. I would hope all reasonable free thinking Americans that think alternative points of view should be discussed and taught would do the same. Would you consider yourself someone who accepts alternative points of view to be discussed and taught.

B. The structure of the plaintiffs case not as a denial of religion but the misapplication of it in science class
Who are you or any federal judge to decide that for the entire USA.


Did you ever read Edward Humes MONKEY GIRL, it a good read and a good invstigative report about the entire Dover issue. (I recognize how your assertions appear to be some of the "subsequent cover up" by the Discovery Institute to ameliorate their own participation in what really became a fiasco for ID. (DI is ,in the last 10 years speaking out with some of the very same arguments youve been rehashing herein)
Could have been better handled. I hope when it comes up again it is argued much better from ID.
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:00 am
No it doesn't. You can't win the lottery without intelligence designing the lottery.
Im sorry, just take a lottery as a given for a natural occurence. Lets not try to go for mere debating points based on a "Capt Obvious" statement.

Sorry, there are no givens in science. That is why it is so hard to talk math with atheists. They have all these unsubstantiated "givens" because, they hate admitting they don't know and they are taking the "givens" on faith.

Does it take more faith to believe a lottery just popped into existence and you won it a million times in a row or to believe somebody arranged the lottery so you can win a million times in a row?

Likewise, does it take more faith to believe complexity originated from an explosion or somebody organized the complexity?

1. genetic variability is accomplished by sexual congress, mutation, point mutation,polyploidy,integration of symbionts,karyotic fission, replication by several means, and genetic drift (etc). Ive added "information additions at the chromosomal level because many of you seem to think that new info is only added in the genomic level.
First of all there was no sexual reproduction in early life, that lottery did not exist yet. There was no DNA to mutate that lottery that is running inside and alongside the sexual reproduction lottery had to be arranged by chance. And then the polyploidy,integration of symbionts,karyotic fission are multiple lotteries that had to be integrated into an already complex set of lotteries . . . Holy Crap the faith level is rising to extreme levels in my mind. How do reconcile the need for such a high level of faith in randomly generated information to organize all these complex systems that you understand very well but, cannot explain how they originated without taking a lot of "givens" on faith?

2 Natural selection then weeds out and picks out the fittest for that environment. ( I submit thats the major reason that we have many fossil "losers " in the fossil record). Ive always been a fan of the "Two part scheme" of evolution. The organism provides genetic bauplans, and the environment selects the phenotype that wins and reproduces further

Natural selection has nothing to do with the fact we have lots of losers. The reason is that a lot of losers were submitted and so successful over such a long period of that enough fossils were left for us to recognize and classify them. That is a lot of success requiring lots of interacting and embedded lotteries operating and being won over and over again to create the information contained in the fossil record.


You seem to deny that evolution is this two part activity (Is it because you wish to downplay the environments role in evolution)?

You seem to deny that natural selection has nothing to do with the introduction of new information that creates completely new systems thst interact and embed in a bunch of preexisting systems.

We both agree that natural selection works well. Do we agree that it only decides what old information or systems will be preserved and not how the new information and systems originate?
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:02 am
Teachers don't decide curriculum.
You mean that your ed boards and school boards dont have teachers as appointed or voted- in members. Teachers cannot run for the legislature or school board in your state??? I spent several years on Pa ed board and was later a school board member while I was a teacher

Just because someone is a teacher doesnt mean that they have to renounce their citizenship. I think BJ, that much of what you say comes out of an alternative orifice
You know darn well that I think anyone who is legally qualified to run for public office has the right to.
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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:06 am
We're still waiting for that evidence, BJ.
Both sides of this math debate have been had by you, Leadfoot, farmer, and I.

Leadfoot and I don't use givens that we think you should take on faith like you and farmer we rather use explanations we think should be taken on faith.

Both take faith so open up the debate.
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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:09 am
well, its easy to see your base in rwality is not based on fact . SCience courses do not have the need to include non science. Non cience includes anything that comes with n genda and a wordview .

Theres no problem learning about the cultural wars but not as a unit in science.
We already have survey courses and history courses, they dont come with any implied "Endorsement of a POV". That is total BS no matter where you are attempting to go herein.

When lawmakers create laws and policies that do not comply with the FEd or state Constitutions, we fortunately have the judiciary to get it right.
Dont Like it?? move to a theocracy .

You seem to have problems with all the school systems we dicussed , Public or Parochial. I cant help you there, maybe you were just born several decades too late.
I have an idea, why not sit for a school-board election in your hometown and see where your POV gets you. Prhaps you can be as dishonest as the Creationists who got elected to the Dover School board on a basis of "fiscal integrity" (whatever they meant in that). I think youll see our democracy in action.

You can probably fool people at first but they will wake up and take whatever time is needed to fix what youve busted.

Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:13 am
That paragraph reads: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..

I think I can logically argue that I am forcibly being deprived of life, liberty, or property, with due process of law by a bunch of judicial tyrants; I would fight for your rights in the roles were reversed. Would you fight for mine?
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:18 am
Involving ther community in school board meetings and elections is a bad thing? Is ending the debate by judicial tyranny better?
There was no judicial tyranny. What there was, was a fraudulent attempt at circumventing the constitution in a public school. It needed to be set right. The "Discussion approach" didnt work because the stealth Creationist school board members threatened the science faculty with insubordination,and termination.
Is that how a democracy woks (maybe in your world but not mine)

The judiciary demonstrated wisdom and clear thinking to dispense with the Medieval Mindset of the Creationists who were dictating WHAT SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HS BIOLOGY. I cant believe that you are so obtuse to not even recognize this.

Im educating you on the facts of the case and you still stand there , on the track, yelling at the trains.
Maybe others can show you how silly you sound, Ive run out of interest hearing you repeat the same crap over and over an think that its new material.

Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:23 am

VOTERS-t first the voters had no recourse because the new schoolboard had four years to do its dirty deed.
Rather than repeat your own inane rsponse to sound like your being reasonable, am I correct in thinking that getting elected to a schoolboard under false pretenses is a good thing??? Pwrhaps
I can recommend several banana republics which will be to your liking
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:40 am
First of all there was no sexual reproduction in early life,
and you can thank science for that fact. But we still dont know when do we?

I think youre just repeating my list of examples to sound like you know of what you speak. The fact is that we hve evidence of the purines and pyrimidines in the fossil record of chemistry tht goe back 3.85 Billion .
years. Does that imply an intelligence?? We know how that is done in nature via feedstock , diluent, "lab conditions" nd energy. It exactly the same way today as then because the "lab horizons seen in the strat column are pretty much all the same. (Kinda hard to argue sky budies with a world lab that can be investigated and understood without the help of priests or the Discovery Institute.)

That is why it is so hard to talk math with atheists.
Im actually begiinning to think that you need some attention . Ill match my math kill with anything you wish to pose. (Im actually witing for your promise that you hd the "math" to show that ID was clearly in play.

Holy Crap the faith level is rising to extreme levels in my mind. How do reconcile the need for such a high level of faith in randomly generated information to organize all these complex systems that you understand very well but, cannot explain how they originated without taking a lot of "givens" on faith?
Faith disappears when knowledge takes reign. If youd spend some time with molecular chem and biochem maybe youd at lest question your belief system.

Natural selection has nothing to do with the fact we have lots of losers. The reason is that a lot of losers were submitted and so successful over such a long period of that enough fossils were left for us to recognize and classify them.
well youre just dead wrong and you really hqvent thought out anything have you?. What do you think Natural selection even means??

****, Ive got tuff to do and Im getting a bit bored at your opacity of thinking.

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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 10:50 am
I think I can logically argue that I am forcibly being deprived of life, liberty, or property, with due process of law by a bunch of judicial tyrants; I would fight for your rights in the roles were reversed. Would you fight for mine?
And how would you fight??? maybe a good court case???

In the Dover case, you apparently have endorsed the Stealth Creationists getting elected to the school board by their lying campaign promises. Thats all ok in your mind that an entire school district began taking a huge step into the past by endorsing religion as the basis of biology ??? Thats all ok by you eh????.

Your balmy
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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 11:01 am
BJ has juwt learned "judicial tyranny" in the last week. Now hes flinging it around without thinking .
All the cases involved herein were civil cases and were brought on as a way to FINALLY seek relief by a group of aggrieved citizens. Those citizens qere finally protected from religious zealots trying to take over the science curriculum and turn the school system away from the topic.
The cretionists want to have the right to believe as they do. BUT ALSO, they want every body else to believe as they do. They can believe in anything they wish and can establish their own schools , but NOOO , they ant to make sure that even public schools are teaching the religious beliefs in places it does NOT belong

Nope, it been done right and if BJ cant understand, he oughta spend more time in following a few of these cases

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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 11:14 am
problem with you guys is tht you have no respect for fact, history, and precedent. Ken Miller took the wind out of the IDers sails and showed what they really were made of. They were a bunch of people who want their religious POVs to be the guiding credo of public schools.

The witnesses for the IDers came to the stand, ther chief witness, Dr Behe, claimed that astrology was a science.

Of course they blew their own feet off, mostly because, they had nothing to present that would make anyone accept that theres any scientific basis in ID (remember thats where the Discovery Institute was trying to go. They were trying to dissociate themselves from their Cretionist background). They just failed in their mission because thats where the term"breathless inanity" was coined when judge Jones gve his decision and reported it out in a brief statement to the session.

I can understnd why you guys are trying to distance yourselves from that fiasco and the DI has, for the last 12 years, been trying to create some new triks from which to prech. (BJ has, unknowingly (or not) glommed onto some of them and has been wasting our time with "cosmetology" and, lately, a wholly dim view of the Constitution and our electoral process (He say hes a US citizen but I kinda doubt)

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Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 11:27 am
well, its easy to see your base in rwality is not based on fact . SCience courses do not have the need to include non science. Non cience includes anything that comes with n genda and a wordview .
atheism is a world view with an agenda.
Theres no problem learning about the cultural wars but not as a unit in science.
We already have survey courses and history courses, they dont come with any implied "Endorsement of a POV". That is total BS no matter where you are attempting to go herein.
I agree. The need for intelligence and pssibly the characteristics that are necessary for the intelligence to fulfill the physical and intellectual requirements to establish the oreder are all that should be considered in science. Not the specific beliefs nor identity of the designer. Science should provide an insentive for discussions in other courses of study and visa versus.

When lawmakers create laws and policies that do not comply with the FEd or state Constitutions, we fortunately have the judiciary to get it right.
Dont Like it?? move to a theocracy .
Like cicerone pointed out with the Japanese internment, this isn't the first time that pejudiced judges allowed for restrictions of peoples rights. I should get reimbursed for having to support two seperate but unequal school systems so my children can get a complete education. My tuition is getting so high if they taught ID in the public school I'd pass on the rest of the rest of the Catholic indoctrination. I'd do it myself since the school teachers would be teaching open mindedness instead of bigotry.

I have an idea, why not sit for a school-board election in your hometown and see where your POV gets you. Prhaps you can be as dishonest as the Creationists who got elected to the Dover School board on a basis of "fiscal integrity" (whatever they meant in that). I think youll see our democracy in action.

The constitution protects the rights of the minority. I am honest. I am not a bigot and want to teach all points of view. Do you want to teach all points, or are you going to honestly admit you are a prejudiced bigot?

How is teaching alternative points of view dishonest? We are a country that is constantly changing what we teach because all points of view were allowed.

I don't call "givens" or "theories" truth.

Are you willing to admit natural evolution is just a theory and, without intelligent creation of new information has too many holes and might not even be possible given the evidence?
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 12:08 pm
There was no judicial tyranny. What there was, was a fraudulent attempt at circumventing the constitution in a public school. It needed to be set right. The "Discussion approach" didnt work because the stealth Creationist school board members threatened the science faculty with insubordination,and termination.
If I get a job at a public school and start teaching intelligent design and disrupting school board meetings, I think I would deserve to be fired. don't you? No judge should be involved in my employment status.
Is that how a democracy woks (maybe in your world but not mine

I guess i should start teaching ID at your local school since your type of democracy would protect my job.

The judiciary demonstrated wisdom and clear thinking to dispense with the Medieval Mindset of the Creationists who were dictating WHAT SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HS BIOLOGY. I cant believe that you are so obtuse to not even recognize this.

What the heck does the age of the philosophical view have to do with the debate. It's not wrong because it is old. Math is old. It is wrong because it needs to be debated and improved upon.

Are you saying ideas initiated in medieval times or earlier should be eliminated from science?
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 12:36 pm
Are you saying ideas initiated in medieval times or earlier should be eliminated from science?

Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 12:47 pm
They are almost out of arguments. Almost time to start all over again at the beginning.
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 02:49 pm
BJ believes tht hes being creative when indeed, hes repeating the crap that Berlinski and Dembski have written almot 20 years ago as these guys were attempting to turn Creation SCience Institute ito the DISCOVERY INSTITUTE
Reply Mon 14 May, 2018 02:55 pm
Quote: brianjakub:
Are you saying ideas initiated in medieval times or earlier should be eliminated from science?


Without the fossil record, Genetics, and information science, Darwin wasn't anymore technologically advanced than medievil times. So Creationists with their medeivel understanding of Thomism understood information science at a very high level at the time. There belief that an ontology of anything is best determined by the creator of the thing is an accepted philosophical view even of modern atheists. (see Daniel Dennet and ignore his inconsistencies when it comes to the ontology of ancient information brought about by his bigoted atheistic view) All medeivel creationists needed was a modern understanding of the fossil record and DNA to combine with there knowledge of information science (Heck there is no philosophical difference between game theory and Thomism. Game theory is just binary Thomism.) to develop a modern version of creationism that could be incorporated into modern science as ID.

Darwinists and modern day natural evolutionists need to incorporate logical information science and ontolgy into there view to catch back up with medieval times. It seems like modern evolutionary theorists have never heard of an algorithm or modern game theory. (Or have they heard of it but, they ignore it on purpose?)
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