Secondly this was a philosophical freedom discussion that was turned into a scientific and religious freedom discussion that ended up by outlawing one philosophical point of view because the proponents of the view had a specific belief in who the thought the creator was
It was NEVER a philosophical argument. It was an argument that tried to seek relief from a strong armed religious tactic to bring the teaching of ID into SCIENCE CLASS. The entire issue WAS brought up by the history and PAD faculties to be taught as a"Problems Of American Democracy"(social Studies), and the three school board members who were heavy handing the entire ID issue would NOT back down. They were being fed free literature and textbooks by the Discovery Institute (Who were the fraudniks in the entire case). Basically the school board left the citizens with NO alternative but to seek relief in court.
The judge did an excellent job. He is a Devout Christian and a conservative who just could NOT back off on the issue of the establishment clause of amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights of our nations Constitution.
Now that you seem to want to deny the court' s and want to "debate it" . whether you understand or not, the debate part has left the station because after the Butler laws and Aguillard, I think weve pretty well established the rules for science classes. I assume thats why youve got your kids in Catholic SChools (but dont they teach evolution by natural selection as theory an Fact??).
As far as your trying to do a math expansion and concluding that there arent enough nodes or there inst enough time to promote the "information in a spcies DNA). Lets multiply the chances of winning the lottery by 5 times. SOMEONE WILL STILL WIN IT and it appears that, (in a normal numerical expansion, the number of nodes available it kinda like the Drake Equation in reverse,
The number approaching assurance gets bigger and bigger until the chances of "variability occuring" are nominal and the variability itself is quite variable, thus allowing nat selection to select FOR an individual with the good luck to hve the good genes. That , as a favored condition, expands throughout the population at varying rates.
Mathematically I believe your trying to deny the big numbers that sex cells provides