Evolutionry/religious nonsense

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 12:13 pm
TomTomBinks wrote:

As a whole, the universe tends toward disorder, agreed. But localized in space and time there are small pockets of the opposite. (Like eddies that go against a current.) Where ever there's a concentration of matter (or energy) there is a potential for some order. Life is a tiny example.

This is an interesting observation. Is life order? If so it seems to work against the universal entropic forces that surround it.
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Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 12:19 pm
brianjakub wrote:

A localized space by definition is establishment of order. Matter is energy in order. Life is matter in so much order it is a “self replicating” evolving algorithm.

Isn't an algorithm simply a process for problem solving? I think though before the algorithm there is the problem. So.. what's the problem?
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 01:04 pm

Isn't an algorithm simply a process for problem solving? I think though before the algorithm there is the problem. So.. what's the problem?
The creator likes creating and would like somebody to share it with. Do you ever create to share? if you do that is an example of the creation revealing the essence of the creator just like your creations reveal something about you. That is the only way individual intelligent beings can share ideas. By physically creating something to share with someone else.
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 01:19 pm
brianjakub wrote:


Isn't an algorithm simply a process for problem solving? I think though before the algorithm there is the problem. So.. what's the problem?
The creator likes creating and would like somebody to share it with. Do you ever create to share? if you do that is an example of the creation revealing the essence of the creator just like your creations reveal something about you. That is the only way individual intelligent beings can share ideas. By physically creating something to share with someone else.

Ok.. that's a view but I think incomplete and not fully formed though I'm not saying impossible. However, our contemporary views of "God" suggest kind of a static being that doesn't change or evolve. I don't know... if the universe does indeed breath then the universe as a whole is alive and I think being alive involves some degree of development.
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 02:42 pm
... the original claim was very broad: Order always comes from intelligence. I merely showed this to be false.
Natural systems can produce "order". If nature can produce crude examples, why not more complex or precise ones? How about crystals?
I am not arguing the point that everything 'ordered' in the universe is the result of intelligent design (although it probably is). I was pointing out that even if all the accepted forces of nature are assumed to be 'Natural', there is a class of order that all those natural forces cannot account for. That class is 'Life'.
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 02:56 pm
I am not arguing the point that everything 'ordered' in the universe is the result of intelligent design (although it probably is). I was pointing out that even if all the accepted forces of nature are assumed to be 'Natural', there is a class of order that all those natural forces cannot account for. That class is 'Life'.
They cannot account for the origin of matter because the accepted theory for the origin of matter requires gravity to create matter. Now they are finding that gravity cannot exist without matter (entropic gravity)
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Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 03:32 pm
However, our contemporary views of "God" suggest kind of a static being that doesn't change or evolve. I don't know... if the universe does indeed breath then the universe as a whole is alive and I think being alive involves some degree of development.
The creation is developing. My view (Roman Catholic) is God is static or fully and perfect Spirit or idea.

The process we are living in (and will be for eternity) is revealing this fully perfect static God to us. We are in the process and will always be experiencing it so the process never looks static to us. God is outside the process. He sees the whole process right now and all the time as a complete idea (start to finish) in His mind as if it (eternity) has already been completed.

That's why in Exodus 3:14 [Full Chapter]
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

and in Revelation 1:8 He says “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

And in John 1New American Standard Bible (NASB) it claims
The Deity of Jesus Christ
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 [a]He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

The only way I know to discuss the ancient intelligence (that initiated the original hardware, operating system, and algorithm) is to look for ancient messages from him in all sources including quantum physics, relativity, entropic gravity, biology, the bible, our bodies that are created in His image and basically anything He created. It is all needed for proper context.

Philosophers, physicists, biologists, and theologians must work together because the purpose and designer of the algorithm are written into the process of the algorithm and is the reason it is running. God saying you don't know me and I want you to is the problem the algorithm is solving

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 04:00 pm
Yes, I think we're trying to come to an understanding. I don't know getting caught up in hardware, software and it's programs fully expresses the complexity but it is a view. I do appreciate the original stuff you posted though.
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 04:42 pm
If you and jakub would read Ken Miller's "Finding Darwin's God" he reminds us that it was Lamarck who said that
'' All changes in the organic and inorganic world are the result of application of universal Laws not Divine Intercession'
Ken Miller is a devout Roman Catholic BTW.

LAws are universal and used over and over with different conclusions raised from different bases.

Darwin raised the point when he commented on how life on archipelagos reflects their closeby mainlands, not some Creation events ( archipelagos are island chains that often arise when they become separated from their mainlands. Laws were obeyed, no plans were approved.

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 04:52 pm
farmerman wrote:

If you and jakub would read Ken Miller's "Finding Darwin's God" he reminds us that it was Lamarck who said that
'' All changes in the organic and inorganic world are the result of application of universal Laws not Divine Intercession'
Ken Miller is a devout Roman Catholic BTW.

LAws are universal and used over and over with different conclusions raised from different bases.

Darwin raised the point when he commented on how life on archipelagos reflects their closeby mainlands, not some Creation events ( archipelagos are island chains that often arise when they become separated from their mainlands. Laws were obeyed, no plans were approved.

'' All changes in the organic and inorganic world are the result of application of universal Laws not Divine Intercession'
Ok.. but this states nothing about origin. Simply life follows an assembly that has to lead to some form or another of survival or not.

Darwin raised the point when he commented on how life on archipelagos reflects their closeby mainlands, not some Creation events ( archipelagos are island chains that often arise when they become separated from their mainlands. Laws were obeyed, no plans were approved.
I can't remember the term.. it's how one species closely resembles another... my recollection had to do with reptile and fish?
Anyway.. pangea connected everything at one time.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 05:06 pm
Philosophers, physicists, biologists, and theologians must work together because the purpose and designer of the algorithm are written into the process of the algorithm and is the reason it is running. God saying you don't know me and I want you to is the problem the algorithm is solving

I really dont think youre gonna have much luck with that except in topic boards like this. Science is very busy trying to understand the mechanics and chemistry qnd trying to "create" some storyboard of the order of life and in a context of deep time.
Creating some kind of "algorithm" beyond responses to physical, chemical, and biological laws is, in my mind adding complexity to the entire existing system that really doesnt need more mythology .

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 05:18 pm
Convergent Evolution
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 05:25 pm
Now what do you think I had on my mind when I started drumming for detailed inspections of convergent evolution?
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 05:28 pm
farmerman wrote:

Now what do you think I had on my mind when I started drumming for detailed inspections of convergent evolution?

Maybe it was parallel evolution? Anyway.. it seems there are just a few answers that fill the space for a particular question.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 06:02 pm
farmerman wrote:

Now what do you think I had on my mind when I started drumming for detailed inspections of convergent evolution?

What are we looking at when we look at nature? Is nature an answer to a problem in and of itself?
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 06:38 pm
we can see that convergence, parallelism and mimetic evolution are minor examples of the entire spectra of lifes forms. Why is it that convergence only happens in a few phenotypes in even fewer environments?
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 07:06 pm
farmerman wrote:

we can see that convergence, parallelism and mimetic evolution are minor examples of the entire spectra of lifes forms. Why is it that convergence only happens in a few phenotypes in even fewer environments?

The Wiki article I read suggests it's "rife" in nature?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2018 08:26 pm
If you and jakub would read Ken Miller's "Finding Darwin's God" he reminds us that it was Lamarck who said that
'' All changes in the organic and inorganic world are the result of application of universal Laws not Divine Intercession'
Ken Miller is a devout Roman Catholic BTW.
I don't know why he come to such a broad conclusion when:

There is no single, generally accepted model for the origin of life. Scientists have proposed several plausible theories, which share some common elements. While differing in the details, these theories are based on the framework laid out by Alexander Oparin (in 1924) and by J. B. S. Haldane (in 1925), who postulated the molecular or chemical evolution theory of life.

And there is no gravity without matter, and gravity was needed for the big bang to be initiated to create matter. (Science is just starting to understand what gravity and the nuclear forces are as they discover the Higgs field and Entropic Gravity). I don't think Miller should even be commenting till abiogenisis, Entropic gravity, and the Higgs field are better if not fully understood.

That is a mighty broad and bold conclusion to draw with no acceptable scientific explanation for those three major problems which appear to need intelligence to explain how their algorithms were initiated, if the pattern of intelligence behind all algorithm initiation we observe today is to be followed into the ancient past.

Book review by Henry Neufeld
Miller then turns to intelligent design. Again he shows that the pace of scientific progress is rapidly making arguments for intelligent design moot as various systems once given as examples for irreducible complexity are explained. He begins in this chapter to point out the dangers of finding a place for God in the gaps or shadows of our knowledge. One never knows when the gap will be filled in or when light will drive away the shadow.

The problem is they explain it way by showing they understand how the algorithm is running today, without out explaining how it originated.

The fourth chapter is given to the basic tenets of old earth creationists. I think that while Miller substantially answers the arguments of the old earth group, there remains the rather difficult question of where God might intervene in a long process of creation and what the evidence might mean.

He summarizes this position by suggesting that there are two possible approaches to such divine intervention-either God would have to create new species instantly, or he would have to manage a slow process of change. In the first case, the theory does not match the evidence found in the fossil record. In the second, we have to imagine God not merely creating new species, but doing so in such a way that anyone who studied the process would assume that evolution had taken place.

In either case, it would appear that God creates incompetently, because most species that have existed on earth are now extinct. His passage on the evolution of the elephant (94-99) and its relation to design is a masterpiece.

If evolution is true (which I believe it is) nothing ever truly went extinct, it just evolved into a new animal that is still carrying on the adapted gene pool as it survived in a new environment. That organism eventually evolved into the ones we are observing today alive in our environment not necessarily extinct. Quite competent planning to someone (like me) who believes in ID instituted natural evolution rather than an old earth creation. (We need to get better people involved in the ID side of research and development instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Would you at least agree with that Farmer? )

The amazing thing is the variety and interdependence among species in ecosystems we observe today compared to the amount of time it takes for macroevolution. Without some predetermined adaptations programmed into the algorithm to provide natural selection the proper choices choose from across the individual plants and animals of an ecosystem, to keep entire ecosystems evolving with a fairly quickly changing enviroment, I would think everything would have gone extinct long before we got anywhere close to the diversity we observe today and in the fossil record.
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 06:58 am
Ken Miller is being honest. Your pleas for "better people" working on ID arguments is not what Ive found from my experience. You need to demand more HONEST people in your camp. ID arguments have been totally dismantled by evidence and the laws of science. The irreducible complexity argument has been so discredited that theres nothing left to rally around.

IDers dont want for "smart people". They, instead are now using their talents to "scientize" their denial and "make true" what aint.Your use and insistance on "Algorithmic" control is such a baseless, evidence-free conjecture. Get to work, dont bother me with your beliefs, bother me with what you can verify or prove.

Your insistance on algorithms in effect is nothing more than a denial of how all the available evidence easily shows that evolution is pretty nuch NOT anagenetic and is actually opportunistic and subservient to edaphic and all other environmental factors (including cataclysmic extinction events like that which we are experiencing today and which appears to be entirely under our control).Algorithms require an author LAWS do not. We only calls em laws because we discover how they work over and over and over again (common gas law, LAWS of chemical bonding, laws of surface chemical reactions, magnetism etc)
Evolution obeys these LAWS of science, I do agree that we dont fully understand all of em, but ignorance of those also keeps science chugging along.
"WORKING on ID science" is like a bit of fraud in action, instead of compiling evidence and reaching and changing conclusions, you seem to,want to have your people start with a default position and then search for what seems applicable (and summarily deny anything that doesnt)
I use the word fraud quite loosely I know. Ive been in the business 40 years and hqve seen more crap, bad science, and downright criminal BS over "verification of Creationist science". These "proof" of YECism by uing C14 to scale back ages of dinosaurs , actually includes some of the "Great minds" of ID out there in Discovery Institute land. If they dont clean up their acts, they will disappear by their own comedic criminality.
I really feel that you are a true believer in ID and you feel certain that life is programmed an has been set into motion (Seems that you lean toward a Christian based god eh?) .I feel that the evidence is quite compelling that it aint like that at all.

Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2018 07:07 am
Y'know, even after we find a completely defensible rational plausible model for abiogenesis, we will still only have ONE POSSIBLE MODEL. There may be thousands , who knows. We have evidence that life tried and lost a few times in the deep past and one seemed to be bound with S as a catalyst and the other gave rise to another batch of specific organic chemicals. In both cases, C12 was the major C component and existing in a ratio that life today displays. So there may have been several other experiments .
Im not fully denying the possibility of panspermia . We have no real way to deny these models.
Algorithms assume a designer andlife is a product. Evidence seems not to support an algorithmic source mostly because of the pure "dumb luck" way, including the several failed attempts at starting life in early Hadean Greenland or Australia only about 300 my years apart .(Based on U/U/Th dating)

I don't know why he come to such a broad conclusion when:
Miller WAS quoting Llamarck there, He was merely presenting the concept of responses to the LAWS of science

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