rykehaven wrote:Quote:Hi Ryke and welcome to the forum.
I think the problem AGAIN, was a lack of leadership. The original offer of $15 million in aid was a complete joke and an insult to the rest of the world. We should have been the LEAD in this tragedy, and being the one and only superpower, we have a humanitarian right to do so. Then I had to listen to the president say the UN official "needed to check his facts" and tried to defend his initial petty offer. It was an absolute joke and a disgrace.
Again, what is argued here is Form over Substance. I'd rather leave this politicking to someone else and concentrate on what is happening RIGHT NOW. I consider the arguement a red herring. Many countries started small amounts, then ramped up, presumably because no one KNEW what the damage was, waited for the information to come in, and made their estimates. But I don't know that, and, barring any convincing evidence on what happened, I don't think anybody really does.
First off, let me say thank you for your service to our country. I grew up in a military family and I definately appreciate,and hold a special place in my heart, for the service people who serve our country.
With that being said, you are extremely hypocritical to accuse me of being political, then using your entire argument with a political bias. This thread was about helping people, then you come out, insult me and try to make yourself as the all knowing being.
Quote:As for the UN, again they are the leaders of the relief effort. THey started airlifting supplies on the 29th and they are continuing to do so.
Now we're talking. THIS is something that pertains to WHAT is going on. It is information that can be checked and verified.
And I can say that you're misinformed. Let me explain:
During Bosnia and other conflicts, many countries contributed their troops to "peacekeeping". Even the fighters that bombed Serbia were ostensibly called "UN forces" or "UN-backed Forces". But how did these forces come to be? There are no training garrisons for UN troops. No bootcamps or supply depots or shipyards to build "UN Ships". No Hangar construction bays to build or maitain the "UN Fighter bombers". It's all myth.'
Where did these phantom forces come from?
Who ever said the UN had planes? You are either missing the point of the argument, or trying to change it to your point of view. Let me explain it better.
1. The tsunami happened.
2. Colin Powell, as the US's representitive, gave $15 million in aid
3. Bush bashed the UN spokesman who claimed the US's (and other countries) aid was petty.
4. The US increased its aid over tenfold to $350 million.
What part of this do you not understand? Bush, in all his arrogance, had the audacity to bash the spokesman who claimed the US was not giving enough aid, then two days later increased the aid tenfold. So tell me, who is the one not being honest?
Again, we SHOULD have been the LEADERS in the humanitarian efforts. It would go a long way to strengthen up the relations with other countries, relations which have been ripped to shreads by the arrogance of the Bush admin. Instead, AGAIN, we dropped the ball. How many times do we have to come up with mud on our faces for people to stop defending the imbicile president?
$15 million??? He gave $10 million to Mrs. Cheney & Ann Coultier to go to Iraq and to "promote" democracy. What a frigging joke, yet you want to defend him. . . whatever floats your boat man.
You guessed it. The US Forces painted a UN flag on their equipment or donned "blue berets". And that was the extent of the UN's military contribution. They took credit for the action while bureaucrats fiddled in air-conditioned buildings, ordering more UN flags to hang on Humvees or berets to stencils to paint "UN Warship". Other militaries in the coalition did the same thing, but no one had any illusions about who those forces belonged to. Some people do have such illusions, though.
The difference now, I think, is that the UN is taking credit in an operation without telling the operator. They're grandstanding as usual, but without permission and proper acknowledgement to the real benefactors.
BTW, the rest of the world's military airlift doesn't have anything on the US Airforce. NONE. And that is probably the outfit from which the UN is taking credit for, because that is the only one that could possibly take this mission right now.
So, the US is the only one helping, or according to you, the only one capible of flying a C-130 over Indonesia and dropping supplies? Are you kidding me? You are actually telling me that the UN has NO countries NONE, which have the ability to aid the rest of the world? Well, why don't YOU look up what the capibilities of the other countries in the UN are. . .
Here is a list of the countries in the UN.
UN members
Now, your missing the ENTIRE point of the UN's mission. It isn't that they have "forces" or "fighters" it is that they bring a CREDIBILITY to the operation. When the UN is involoved, it brings a whole lot more CREDIBILITY to whatever the situation is because the rest of the world believes the UN is out for their best intrest. Can the same be said for the US and all its firepower?? NO!!! We can and do have the best military in the world, yet the credibility of the US is shot because of the current administration.
So tell me, if you were an Iraqi, what would you rater see, a UN soldier with a "blue beret" or a US soldier?
It's one of the things that doesn't make the UN's behaviour surprising, as described in the very first post of this thread.
No, it one of the things which doesn't make your response suprising, considering the "sources" (aka propaganda) you listed.
Quote:You need to look at both sides of the argument, the sites you visit daily are propaganda machines put out by the RNC to brainwash people. Articles such as you posted, only look at one side of the story, distort the facts and present an acute point of view.
I do take both sides, Thank you, sir. I find your characterization of the situation wanting, and your characterization of me insulting.
Gee, if you took "both sides" of an argument, I wouldn't have called you out for being one sided. You are spewing the same propaganda I watch every day on Fox News. It isn't one sided, it is politically biased opinion, I will call it as I see it.
As for my comments being insulting? Which comment was insulting to you, the one where I said you should look at both sides of an argument? Well, let me explain something to you, when you list "sources" such as the ones you listed, you ARE being biased, one sided and insulting to the intellegence of people on this board. There is no two ways about it.
Quote:You really need to go to the horses mouth to find out what is going on.
This is a horrible situation and now it appears there may be upwards of 500K dead since there have been entire villages wiped out. We need to help and help fast.
With all due respect, I have been in the horse's mouth, and it's not pleasant. Ever been to Pattie's and Sarie's sports bar? No? Must have been a nice tourist spot until it got turned into a crater with all that stench of decomposing Aussies. In fact, the bomber was actually aiming for the American sailors, who visited the bar before, but I wouldn't know that, having never gotten it from the horse's mouth. The Aussies did, so they still think they were the target. (Do you know what decomposing flesh smells like? I can't quite describe it
Again, read above. Use reliable sources, instead of propaganda machines pumped out by the RNC to be considered unbiased and reliable.
I don't mean to call you out, and your opinion is more then welcome on this board, but when you list biased sources, then try to castigate me when I list sources from the UN, the one you are questioning, you will get called out.
As for your experience,it is a valuable opinion on this board. You have insight few of us do, so why don't you use it for good, instead of using it as some authoritorian privilage. Stench of dead people? Yea, I know what the stench of dead people smells like, so do the citizens of Auswitch, Germany. They thought the rotten stench of death was from "horses" and livestock, because they bought into propaganda too.
We should have been on our way a week ago, we are starting now, better late then never, but it's still a point where we dropped the ball, yet again.