You write:
Quote:Maybe you need to understand what a loving / trusting relationship is... let me explain;
When you love someone, there is a level of trust. Especially among two adults, there is also a burdon of responsibility. Asking someone a question that will affect the rest of your lives is based only on that level of trust. I trusted her in saying, "no", when she should have been honest and said "not that I'm aware of" - as that is the response of a responsible adult.
Obviously she trusted the guy who passed on the genital warts. She didn't seek out the infection any more than you did. She was young and dumb and made the assumption, no symptoms, no disease.
She trusted. You trusted. Warts. She's right, she can't change the past, particularly when she's focused on 20-30 pounds of baby, 24 hours a day.
You two would probably benefit from some counseling. You say you would have married her, pregnant or no, but the wedding date was pushed up because of the pregnancy depriving the two of you of some courting time.
Marriage means adjustments. Pregnancy means adjustments. Finding out about an STD means adjustments.
All these Life Events mean a great deal of stress for the two of you as individuals and for you as a couple. Counseling could help the two of you work things out.
Whatever the ideal timing might have been, you're married now--for better and for worse.
You picked a woman with a past--and her light-hearted ways were part of her appeal to you. Unfortunately she came with viral baggage.
You Did The Right Thing when the pregnancy became evident. Unfortunately your courtship was curtailed and your young, light-hearted wife is awash with hormones and contemplating the prospect of motherhood.
You're entitled to feel a bit aggrieved at the quirks of kismet here, but:
There are no instant cures for genital warts.
You two are going to be a family very shortly. You can't change the past, and you must devote your energy to the baby's future.--and to your
future as a couple. You can't do this if you are cuddling your resentment.
The warts are sordid, but not life threatening.
Good luck, Pharaoh.