I'm a bi, early 20's male that has been 'hitting up' for lack of a better word - a guy that really turned me on - not in the purely sexual sense, but everything about him. You could say I 'was' in love.
I'm not sure how we came to know each other - but we met through Snapchat and he lived half a world away.
As a ferociously private person I lied about my location and name - but everything else was 100% the truth!
It was this one snap where he said "I love you so much" he was so beautiful, handsome and loving - that's when the feeling of love started to kick in; after a dormancy of almost 3 years!
"No-one" not even a woman had ever made me feel so loved and proud of myself in my life - we talked back and forth, sending snaps to each other like you would a couple. I said I loved him everyday and he said the same back - and he even said at one point "what have I done to deserve you?!" with an emoji with heart eyes.
I have never met him before in person - we had 2 phone calls - the later; being the stake to the heart it seems, as he wasn't the same afterwards.
We had phone sex and we both came (I did anyway) but I wasn't sure he did because it just didn't sound right haha.
After that - things seemed to deteriorate. The romance died - after him saying all these wonderful things - like - "I've never felt like this before" and "You give me butterflies".
And I really must admit - it was all real from my end.
But not 2 hours ago - when I left him for one day and didn't send a thing - not even GM - as I felt that he was trying to distance himself from me when I had already asked him if he loved me AFTER the call and he said "Of course I do" - he blocked me on Snapchat out of the blue more or less.
"Why not call and act like an adult?" Says the 20 something y/o to the 23 year old I thought to myself!
Gradually the contact died until it was nothing from him and all from me. He snapped other people when I had said that I love him every morning and night and all I got was a saved message and silence.
I guess what I'm asking is "What will I do?" I have been took for a ride so many times from both guys and girls when I have done nothing but show my love and affection to them that I can't take it anymore.
What exactly am I doing wrong?