Tue 28 Dec, 2004 06:37 pm
My husband brought up the idea to buy a big screen tv for our house. I thought it was a good idea because we had such a small tv. He comes up to me about two days before we buy the tv and tells me that Best Buy is having a really big sale on big screen tvs. A couple of days later we go to best buy to look at them. We both pick out one that we like and as we are waiting for the employees to cross the t's and dot the i's my husband goes into a rampage of complaining. It went from, "Ugh! I guess this is what you have to do when you get married is spend all sorts of money!" to, "Ugh! The ONLY reason I am doing this is because YOU want it so bad!" to, "Ugh! This is going to put me into horrible debt!" You know..telling me its my fault we are getting a tv and I am the only one that wanted it in the first place. So we get home and I tell him that I didn't know that this was going to be such a problem, maybe we should just call them and cancel it. He gets all pissed off and says "can't you just accept it as a gift from me to you?" I told him I would have accepted it if he didn't make me feel so guilty about recieving it. Then he told me how selfish I was. What would you do if your significant other gave you a gift and told you how much they hated having to give it to you? Would you still want it?
He'd be wearin' it, no matter if it was his color or not.
You could always send it back, give him half the money and go buy yourself something nice. Be sure to thank him when you get home from the mall.
No, I wouldn't.
And I wouldn't want the passive - agressive SOB SO either.
Feck no.
Of course he wanted the thing--but maybe he thinks it's going to cause a little financial distress, and wants to make sure he pre-emptively pins it on you---OR, he has masterfully laid a plan wherein he gets a great TV, but makes sure you don't start campaigning for a similarly priced bauble of your own by assigning responsibility for the TV to you.
I'd calmly tell him you were never interested in the TV and let him know, since he was so upset, you've already cancelled it for him. You hope this makes him feel better--because you hate to see your snookums so upset.
He's playing you. Its not a gift from him to you-- Its a gift for him from him.
The nerve!
I hope she was asking us to tell her how we REALLY feel.
I know. Half of us are thinking the husband should go back with the TV..
squinney wrote:I hope she was asking us to tell her how we REALLY feel.

she talks a tough game anyway....
The moderators won't let me say what I would have said to him.
Lets just say that it would have started with a big Capital F and ended in a U!
What an asshole.....!
After all the things you have writtin about your husband on this forum......this

He's just being HIMSELF!
I'm sorry kitkat, but he will continue to treat you as a "nobody" long as you keep allowing him to get away with it.
Go back and read all your posts since joining the forum.
Kit Kat...tell him to shove the TV up his ass and hope he can find the remote to change the channels after you've shoved it down his throat.
I hate men like that...good lord, grow up.........
Better yet, pawn the damned thing for a 100 bucks and let him to continue to make payments on
You can tell which people have read your Previous Plantive Posts, can't you? Maybe you can't. Maybe just one post is enough to rile fair-minded men and women.
Give the SOB the fancy tv in as part of the Community Property Settlement.
I don't believe that I've read any of your previous posts but if this one is any indication you need to get a move on out the door, kitkat.
I don't want to read about you in some Ann Rule true crime book.
Mr. B is convinced "us chicks" have some kind of underground railroad to help each other escape crazy ****.
"Us chicks" should.
Strangely enough, "Lash" nailed this one.
Yes, your other half bought HIMself a toy, a very costly toy... and is trying to finagle credit for having gifted YOU.
Next time he's watching "The Game", why don't you try to switch the channel on YOUR widescreen TV to some chickflick... (you'll still end up watching the game, but you'll have exposed his fraud for what it is).
Good luck with the Marriage thing... next time, try marrying an ADULT.
Magus wrote:
Good luck with the Marriage thing... next time, try marrying an ADULT.
Couldn't have said it better myself. His real problem with the tv is not who ownes it. He's one of those guys that buys something that you don't need to pay for like 2 years and thinks he is in debt. We are fincancing the tv for $30 a month and have 18 months to pay it off. Hes all stressed out because he thinks he just forked out the $1300 all at once. He knows how financing works but he likes to think in short terms, not in the long run. I told him I could pay off the tv with my pay check because $30 a month wouldn't even dent my bank account. He wouldn't even have to worry about it, I would pay the whole thing off my self for this gift that is apparently now my fault. He just responded with telling me that there is no such thing as my money, so he would still end up paying for it himself.
Did you sign for any part of this tv's financing, kitkat?
He's the perfect man for you, kitkat. I'm sure you'll be very happy for years to come. Please make sure you tell us when he starts beating you. I will be looking forward to hearing it.
UGGGHHH........I'd just like to pull his hair out for you
There is no such things as your Money? He'd just end up paying for it himself?
What happen to
Is his father like this?
If you let him treat you like a doormat,
then he'll do so.
Is your life really that pathetic that you
need a jerk in it?
Calamity, I am tempted to ask to use that line as a signature, but I have a couple of others lined up. Let's save it though, it is a winner.
Kit kat, listen to these people.
Calamity, Osso--
As for:
Quote:If you let him treat you like a doormat,
then he'll do so.
Is your life really that pathetic that you
need a jerk in it?
Do you think Craven--in his spare time--could put that motto in Computer Cross stitch to hang over the Portal of the "
Relationships & Marriage forum?
Please listen.