if they were Clinton's cigars they would have tasted funny.....
because Bill liked to use them when he was getting somey....
Rumsfeld is a hypocrite.
Although he claims -- at least by his actions -- to respect the military, he has undercut everything ever said by the military and is totally responsible for the disaster that is Iraq. Of course, as a conservative, he will totally refuse to take . . . or even acknowledge . . . any responsibility for his actions.
Furthermore, he . . . like bush . . . places himself above criticism.
Hey plainold....that doesn't rhyme....
are you trying to spoil our good time?
I'd like mine with salt and a lime.
And he tells his critics to kiss his bummy
If we're trying to be wise guys we're doing fine.....
he'll spend all our money, down to the last dime...
while our boys pay in blood...that's a real ghastly crime.....
and according to him, we've got nothing but time...
and his words flow like gone over spoiled bitter wine
I'd like to keep playing...but I must sign off line.....
You want hear any argument of mine...
Though some may sit and pine...
while others just bitch and whine....
Stiff ole Rummy stands like Frankenstein
ooooh, let's tie him up with a ball of twine...
If you bump... a roadside mine
You'll wish you had an armored hummee
When the morphine's got you fine
You can thank good old Rummy.
When you're at your good ole chow
Lookin to fill your empty tummy
Then the building goes KA-POW!
You can thank good ole Rummy.
Stands for Country Music.
I agree with you Duck. Rummy is a charming speaker and the work done to streamline our army was fine for invading Granada, Panama and Haiti, but Afghanistan and Iraq? Major miscalcule.
Considering the fortune we're spending on the Iraq effort, can someone remind what the rationale was for streamlining the military?