Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Instigate wrote:The bias is inherrent in the very definitions of conservative and liberal. Liberalism is more interesting, its more about change. On the liberal side there is also far more outrage, protests, global warming, doom and gloom, We're all gonna die!!! Fish really do have feelings! Bush is Satan!, etc, etc. What is interesting is what sells.
I've not had the prior pleasure Instigate and therefore let me, now, extend a welcome.
Liberal is, indeed, more
anxious, and Liberals are, indeed, more in tune with their hyperbolic selves.
However, when one reaches a certain age when there are people on earth whom one
hopes will outlive one, one tends towards the predictable, the staid, and the hell with what might be interesting.
More stereotypes Finn, way to keep an open mind. If you're 20 and liberal, you have no heart, if your're 40 & liberal you have no brain. It use to be true, not any more. If you have a brain and think for yourself, you vote liberal. If you believe what others tell you, without investegating matters yourself, you are conservative.
Since you are so happy to throw stereotypes around, here are a few more.
Liberal minds are openminded. They tend to look at a situation and analyze all possible outcomes before making a decision on what to do.
Conservatives are more close minded, or as I like to put it, simple minded. THey often think they have the answer before all of the information is gathered. They tend to think inside the box, instead of outside the box.