Congrats guys just beat the hottest team in the NBA was a great game...Love watching Larry coach.
Let me see if I can get this out
And trust me, I have drank my fair share. But I have noticed that with Budweiser it gives me a headache soon after the 2nd or 3rd beer. Where I can drink Bug Light without the headache after a couple.
But it switches up on Busch...I can drink reg Busch and not Busch light for after a couple I have a headache.
MGD doesn't do me that, until the next morning. LOL Then I expect it......
Not sure about that one. The only beer that gives me a headache is Heineken. Maybe its just your bodies way of telling you to drink better beer. :wink:
littlek- not the same one, will keep looking, this is the one I found.
Very rich and heavy, have had better.
I love beer, and cannot name one. However I usually avoid Heineken.
Scotch Ales are heavier than Pale Ales and lighter than porters. Much lighter than porters, I think. Hmmm.... maybe you shouldn't try Stone's Arrogant Bastard. Maybe Stone's IPA would be better for you.
I agree, if it makes your head hurt don't drink it. I learned that sweet drinks, cheap beer (especially on tap), pilsner, lager among others either twist my gut or give me a head ache.
A lot of people swore by MGD - it was right there with the other cheap beer for me.
Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of scotch ales, actually ales in general. The dirty bastard ale just isn't as good as some I've had.

For instance
Too hell with this, I need a damn drink now!!
6% alcohol vol. (much stronger than the tap version) - excellent!
Quote:Too hell with this, I need a damn drink now!!
This thread seems to do that to me to.
I'm settling in for the NYE with some of that there stout and a bottle of champagne (mix it as Black Velvet). After that the damn world can explode for all I care.
Cheers! Interesting combo, can you layer it like a Black and Tan? Black and Bubbly maybe.
I had Champagne on NYE...I hate the taste of that mess with a passion. I have had several kinds, but I haven't found a brand yet that I would even get close to calling "decent". All I can say is that its like beer, its an aquired taste.
panzade wrote:Congrats guys just beat the hottest team in the NBA was a great game...Love watching Larry coach.
My boys lost....
Pissed me right off....up the entire game and then they choke in the last 3 f-ing minutes!!!!!!! But I got throughly wasted so.....who really cares? :wink:
Quote:I had Champagne on NYE...I hate the taste of that mess with a passion. I have had several kinds, but I haven't found a brand yet that I would even get close to calling "decent". All I can say is that its like beer, its an aquired taste.
I like champagne in moderation... one glass a year at midnight. I made a punchbowl of hurricanes for my NYE party. That was a good time. I went with an entire cajun theme with the food and drinks. Great food great booze. I even had some Abita beer, a decent Nawlins' beer.
This Christmas I got a 4.5 litre bottle of JW Black.
I am in heaven !!
prince- That is a lot of scotch! Have you tried Vat69? It isn't available in the states but I tried it in Amsterdam and brought back a bottle. I remember it being good but I was a bit of a novice back then. I was wondering if it is as good as I remember.
yeah Vat69 is a very old brand of scotch. In the 60s-70s Indian movies, all the villains used to drink Vat69 while ogling the leading lady !!
Have had it several times (while ogling the leading men) and I like it - not sure if it is available anymore - have not seen it in UK for sure
Darn, I thiught you guys were discussing the Kama Sutra
(thought, you dummy)