Guinness is not brilliant, it's very very dark.
It was Michelob Ultra. The site was an all-you-can-eat Chinese place in Tulsa, if you can imagine that. I don't recall if there was wine or liquor on the menu. I wasn't thinking clearly; it was one of those "When in Rome..." moments, and it ended tragically!
Tragically? Was the tofu spoiled?
No. Tragic because I tried to drink that watery excuse for beer. When will I learn?
You should have opted for some sake.
Just cracked open a Dead Guy Ale, I have had no luck finding Arrogant Bastard in Chicago. Two places say that they cannot get it and I am waiting to hear from another.
Dead Guy ain't bad, if memory serves. Rogue Brewing makes it (Newport, OR). If you like stout, try their Shakespeare Stout. Not for the faint of heart!
You got it right D'artagnan its Rogue. I have pretty much run the gambit as far as Rogu is concerned and I agree Shakespeare Stout is not for the faint of heart, but it is a great stout. Have you tried Expedition Stout from Bells? That is one strong beer.
Cha! Wait til you try an arrogant bastard.
I'm not familiar with Bells products. Where is the brewery, sublime1?
I agree with littlek re Arrogant Bastard being a standard of excellence. Let's not forget Double Bastard, too!
Bells is out of Kalamazoo, MI.
They have a good variety of beers and I almost always have a couple of their amber ales in my fridge.
I was refering to it's butt-kicking quality in my last post. It's a high alcohol beer.
Re Bells: Thanks for the link. I just checked with a friend here, a former Wolverine, and he spoke highly of their product. Alas, we never see it here.
Yes, indeed, Arrogant Bastard is a high-octane beer!
newcastle, widmere hef, and bitburger
Ah, here's the BEER thread. I have finally found, bought and tried the Dogfish Head 90 minute ale - it's yummy!
Yes, I am still waiting to hear back from two stores about the Bastard.
I'm slumming tonight Icehouse for me, not sure if you could tell from the picture.
I could tell it was a long-neck domestic. Heehee.
I am drinking some lukewarm, low-quality 3.2 percent beer that I found in the basement of an abandoned farm house back in the early '40's. Remarkably, it still has a rather pleasant taste.
Brilliant! is what the limey character keeps saying in the Monty Python-type Guiness commercial
Brilliant is a very british word.