JustWonders wrote:
I was asking for personal experiences, not generalities, but to answer your question, yes, I'm serious.
An obfscuratory argument. You are asking who has had their rights trampled on, when in fact, if they were illegally detained and had their rights trampled on, they would have access to the internet.
You can't deny the fact our civil liberities are currently beilg trampled on, and there are Americans who have had their civil liberties stripped. It is a fact, it has happened and is currently happening, simple as that.
Quote:The Patriot Act is nothing more than reorganization and recodification of existing statutes that have been extended to cover terrorism and to take new technology into account, so what's all the hoopla about?
When the government can spy on be because I write an article that is critical to their policy, that isn't hoopla, that's authoritorain power along the lines of a dictator. It is completely anti-American and anti-constitution, our country was founded on freedom, and allowing the government to trample on our freedoms is one of the WORST things citizens can allow to happen.
I do read newspapers, although I'm not much on TV or radio news, but I must have missed the alert where we are routinely torturing prisoners of war. Maybe you can provide a link to this routine event.
Here is the
"torture memo". Since you read the newspapers, you are obviously aware that the justification and legal avenues to allow us to torture detainees was going on behind the scenes. But then again, you probably think we should not have been allowed to see the document, because the freedom of information is a bad thing. Or is it just freedom that you think is a bad thing?
DrewDad: I believe I brought the Padilla case to light on another thread, but again I was wondering if anyone here has had their liberties trampled.
Read above. . .
Maybe I don't scare easily enough or I'm just not prone to hysteria in general. On the other hand, are y'all really gonna let a few screeching librarians get the best of you?
Hmm, where do you live? Just curious, because you are obviously scared to death of terrorists. You say you're not scared, yet your fear has allowed your psyche to justify the fact that our government can ignore the Bill of Rights and our constitution. So what is it that motivates this "need" for a change? If it's not fear (and security is a more pleasent way to say fear), what is the reason you want to allow Americans to have their rights trampled on? Are you a commie? Do you hate the constitution?
We are and have been playing right into the terrorists frigging hands because our leaders haven't got a clue as to how to fight terrorism. They actually don't even care about terrorism, if they did they wouldn't be doing what they currently are.
Just ask yourself this question, were there more terrorists before September 11th or now? I'm currious, because I constantly hear about how much terrorism there was while Clinton was president, yet there are DAILY terrorists attacks which are killing our troops left and right? How can we be winning the war on terrorism when we are creating them faster then we are killing them? Can you answer this one?