I picked dirty red bastard, thank you, as the closest, but that doesn't get a cigar either.
Craven had once worked out (and did nimh too? can't remember) a system that took a lot more into account than the usual left right thing.
That was the political issues and positions list, I think. That was very valuable.
I remember it a little. But I don't remember if the beliefs or position that people hold ever got put under slotted labels on craven's board. If i remember right he said that it was a work in progress. I wish now that this is becoming such an issue again, someone would revisit it.
It could work like the computer game solitair or something. If you believe in the enviroment and keeping it healthy, you are an ultra lefty. If you believe in censoring our entertainment and arts to keep our country on a moral footing then you are put under an ultra rightie. If you believe that keeping gays from marrying will further help keep our country on a moral footing then you are an ultra rightie. Whatever cards you have the most of under the label is the one you are stuck with in the end after all the questions.
As for myself I know that I am liberal in politics but a conservative in my personal beliefs that I believe to be up to the individule rather than forced which puts me back to being a liberal. I also believe in the government when it is at it's best, so that puts me even more in the liberal slot and unpopular to boot.
But I believe in the defense of our nation and I believe in helping our fellow partners in the world in time of need. I believed in every war we ever was in besides vietnam and the last "Iraq operation freedom." (or whatever it was last dubbed)
Since I believe in social programs and all the rest I think more than likely I am an ultra liberal and I'm proud of it.
But wait I also believe in fiscal responsiblity and making sure that the system is run effeciently and without fraud. I also believed in Clinton approach to the welfare program that trained people and supported them so that they could get a job. I believe that Clinton did a fine job domestically and not too bad a job around the world. He was a centrist so maybe I am not so ultra lefty after all.
But I disagree with his stance on Iraq that he has expressed in recent years since leaving office. So, now I am back to being an ultra lefty.
All in all I guess I am saying that this labelling is silly like some have said so much better than I do since I carried away with a bunch of ramblings.