Fri 17 Dec, 2004 09:06 am
Not pointing at someone specifically (I never would blame e.g. littlek or dagmar or ...!), but there are some here, who really should get one's act together!
Quote:Married Adults are the Healthiest, New CDC Report Shows
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that married adults are healthier than divorced, widowed or never married adults.
The report, "Marital Status and Health: United States, 1999-2002," was based on interviews with 127,545 adults aged 18 and over as part of the National Health Interview Survey, conducted by CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. The study looked at health status and limitations, health conditions, and health-related behaviors according to marital status and also by age, race/ethnicity and socioeconomic factors such as education and poverty status.
Among the findings in the report:
Nearly 60 percent of adults are married, 10.4 percent are separated or divorced, 6.6 percent are widowed, 19 percent are never married and 5.7 percent are living with a partner. Marital status varies greatly among race/ethnic groups: approximately 61 percent of white adults, 58 percent of Hispanic adults, and 38 percent of black adults are married, according to the survey.
Married adults are less likely than other adults to be in fair or poor health, and are less likely to suffer from health conditions such as headaches and serious psychological distress.
Married adults are less likely to be limited in various activities, including work and other activities of daily living.
Married adults are less likely to smoke, drink heavily or be physically inactive. However, married men are more likely to be overweight or obese than other men.
Adults who live in cohabiting relationships are more likely to have health problems than married adults and more closely resemble divorced and separated adults.
The association between marital status and health is most striking in the youngest age group although it persists throughout the age groups studied.
While the results show that married adults are generally in better health than unmarried adults, the reasons for better health status among married adults cannot be determined with the cross-sectional data collected in the National Health Interview Survey.
Link to
National Center for Health Statistics
I dunno, I seem to remember research that showed close friendships provide many of the same benefits.
Being utterly alone and lonely isn't good for your health, but there are more ways than getting married to alleviate that.
As I remember it, anyway -- you're gonna make me go look that up, aren't you? ;-)
The results of that study seem kind of counter-intuitive don't they? I'm always hearing people talk about how inactive and overweight they get when they get married. And don't even get me started on parenthood. Less likely to suffer from headaches, my ass!
I saw that Walter -- just not sure how you can be more likely to be overweight but also healthier than your unmarried counterparts.
Interesting all the same.