Thu 16 Dec, 2004 10:04 am
These guys must work for the government!
Total of 10 pics; here are the first 3 ....
10 guys standing around watching... one working.
The situation is worse off after involvment then before involvment.
Yeah that sounds like government.
Isn't "Work for the government" on the same level as Military Intelligence, as oxymorons go?
Hahaha!!! I was gonna say before, "well at least the big ol' green truck didn't fall in..."
Hee hee...!
What made this priceless in Britain was the fact that this incident was in Ireland. ( I should explain, it is not completely unknown in Britain to accuse the Irish of being thick)
Which of course is not true, they make occasional errors in judgement, Well, who doesn't?
"If you keep that up, someone's gonna get hurt!"
Don1, do you know for a fact whether this incident occurred? Specifically, I'm talking about the second big truck - the green one - falling in. Someone has told me that image is fake. Let me know if you know.
My understanding is that the first truck toppling into the water was genuine but if you look at the green truck it has its "feet" fully opened wide.
I would think that this tipping over into the water is false.
In the original that I saw only the red one toppled over.
The first one falling in...true. The second....false.
Damn. Humor factor just plummeted. Thanks for the info folks.