I think that your Husband, perhaps has a possessive streak in him. He taunts you with words that hurt, as well which does not constitute a Marriage.
I suspect, "he" suspects there is someone in your life, as to why he is all of a sudden saying that he "thinks" he is falling back in love with you. Or he feels you will leave.
My question is, why would he "feel that" if there is no sex, no bond, no attempt between each other. Is it again just words..
I also don't know if you truly are in love with this person or if this person would truly be with you for the rest of your life, I mean after 7 months only and it's about good sex, passion and great kissing.
I would re-ground myself. Get away on my own, for a bit and really think this out.
I also agree, having a baby is not going to fix things. And, why have a baby with someone you don't love.
This guy is your band aid.
Your Husband, doesn't know how to love. As far as I am concerned. If he truly wants to try, tell him to go to Marriage Counselling I have a feeling he'd say no.