It's embarrassing to note that 85% of Americans, before the War with Iraq, could not locate Iraq on a map.
Ironically, 34% of Americans knew the island in the South Pacific where one of last "Survivor" shows was filmed.
Out of nine countries tested, the U.S. came in second to last place. Here are the countries in order of their performance:
Great Britain
United States
The following results pertain to U.S. participants' ages 18 to 24.
World Statistic Highlights
30% could not locate the Pacific Ocean.
56% could not locate India, home to 17 percent of people on the Earth.
30% think the population of the U.S. is between 1 to 2 billion people. That's roughly one third of world's population. (approximate population of the U.S. is 290 million)
Even though Great Britain is the U.S. closest political ally, 63% of Americans could not find England on a map.
93% of Swedes could find the United States. Only 16% of Americans could find Sweden.
U.S. Statistic Highlights
89% of Americans could locate the United States on a map whereas 95% of the French could locate the United States. It's embarrassing that roughly 1 in 10 Americans could not find their own country.
49% of Americans cannot find New York State on a map.
51% could not locate Pennsylvania.
69% could not find Massachusetts.