Whats the ' one thing' that makes us diffrent from animals?

Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 12:06 am
hmm.. good point.
I gotta chew on this one,
Ill reply tomorrow.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 01:29 am
Cavfancier wrote:
Lets look at yellowjackets. A single scout goes out and sniffs around for food. Within minutes, they pass on a message to the hive saying "hey, spilled soda."

Yeah, right. Bees can talk.

I used to think Cav was a pretty sharp guy.

Talking bees. Give me a friggin' break.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 02:06 am
They talk through dancing.





Though I note there is some controversy about aspects of this now.

ARE yellow jackets bees?
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 02:26 am
A yellow jacket is a wasp.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 02:28 am
That's what I thought.

Do they ever change their jackets?
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 03:11 am
one thing . . .well i think its a lot of things, but the biggest one thing is a toss up between - searching and comprehending why and how things happen or understanding that the universe is bigger than any one individual of group, although there are some himans who dont get this so i will go with the first one.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 06:36 am
Yes, yellow jackets are wasps, I was exptrapolating from bees. They are both social insects. Now this was a good read: http://www.interspecies.com/pages/yeljack.html
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 07:07 am
OK go with me here.

see , we are the only species that wraps up its leftovers
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 07:42 am
Cav, I doubt that a bee or an ant has much of a conciousness as an individual. They are so much a part of the whole community that a single individual simply doesn't matter in their scheme of things. Everyone knows their place and role and fulfills it admirably. Not so with humans who pride themselves on individual uniqueness. T.H. White, in The Sword in the Stone and, again, in The Book of Merlyn has a lot to say about the stultfying regimentation of ant society.

Good point, Farmerman. Smile
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 10:04 am
What about spiders? They use silk, not kitchenwrap, but they package up meals for later, don't they?
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 10:13 am
Very Happy ya got me there timber. Therefore, I cannot think of anything that differentiates us from animals. Saran Wrap was all I had.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 11:04 am
I'm still going with "a sense of humor" (see previous posts for more detail), which means that Gus and Slappy are my primary evidence for our differentiation from animals... a state of affairs which should leave the door open for all kinds of trouble Smile
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 03:27 pm
Merry said it well.
That is why i was not understanding your post cav.
I got the point you were trying to make but I did not make my question/thought very clear.
I was going on the idea of a sence of self. Not just an assignment in a group. Wich , in a nut shell, is what bees do.
I dont think that a bee or an ant has the thought that we humans do of .. " If I dont do this then noone else will" .. They just do it . They dont think in terms of - who does more/less- who is better- who is stronger etc. That would mean that they have self actualization.
I think since humans have self actualization we have become who we are. Maybe not the ENTIRE reason, but I do believe it is a huge part.

( Wow.. a little sleep and I can now think clearly. ) Laughing

Ahh.. and the spiders..
They DO wrap thier meals.. but they dont freeze them to preserve them.
We are humans because we freeze our food!!!! IN suran wrap.. heheheh
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 03:28 pm
Or.. maybe.. it is that we are the only animals who wipe our butts after we poop?!
NOW THATS advanced... Laughing
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 03:31 pm
Actually, if my dog has a bit of poop clinging to his butt after going, he refuses to come inside.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 05:44 pm
As do I, cav.... as do I.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 08:23 pm
Badgers have a sense of humor, and porcupones use leaves as a sort of makeshift toilet paper.
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Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2004 09:29 pm
SCoates wrote:
Badgers have a sense of humor, and porcupones use leaves as a sort of makeshift toilet paper.

What makes you say Badgers have a sense of humor?
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Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 03:11 pm
I looked it up on the internet.

Man, what are porcupones? I hope everyone knows what I meant.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2004 03:45 pm
Summat like cornpine?
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