Whats the ' one thing' that makes us diffrent from animals?

Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 12:38 am
We have a multitude of facial expression, thusly we have a whole range of communication skills no other animal has, in comparison.

Oh! that and pants. Sure some can wear 'em, but they couldn't make 'em from scratch.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 01:05 am
Gorilla's have facial expressions, and racoons make pants.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 02:12 am
Re: Whats the ' one thing' that makes us diffrent from anima
"Whats the one thing that makes us different from animals"?
Answer: the fact that we are able to make that question. Other animals aren't.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 04:46 am
Ever seen the look on a dog's face when you pretend to throw the ball?
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 12:39 pm
Ya oughtta see the look my Lab gives me when a shotgun discharge isn't followed shortly on by a fallin' bird.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 12:45 pm
Fellas, I've seen those forelorn puppy dog eyes myself, but humans are supposed to be able to make and understand somewhere near a hundred, (I'm working off memory here). Animals have facial expression, it comes with a limited range.
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Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2004 01:51 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

But if a dolphin becomes displeasured because it's partner has sex with another dolphin do they retain attorneys and argue custody and property rights? l

No, but they do make a visit to the nurseshark when they find out thier partner has been cheating.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 01:21 pm
Are we the only sentient beings?
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 02:06 pm
Remove "the only."
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 02:19 pm
Why do dogs lick their balls?

Because they can.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 02:25 pm
We feed animals and eat them.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 02:26 pm
I love animals.

They're delicious!
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 02:52 pm
Ray wrote:
Are we the only sentient beings?

That we can prove ... yes.
But human proof is strictly visual ( sadly enough )
So to think that we as humans are the only sentient being in the universe..
well.. thats pretty arrogant.
As many thousands of years the earth has been in existance it is entirely possible that this planet has been the home of other sentient beings that may have advanced far beyond our capabilities and left....
We never know.
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Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2004 03:57 pm
Whether or not we're the only sentient beings - begging the question of whether even we are sentient - a whole buncha folks are pretty firmly siezed of the notion we are.
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Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 08:07 pm
Is there debate over wether or not humans are sentient beings?
I would love to read that if you have the information Timber.
I would like to hear the arguements against it. So far, all of my research has been biased. Since I believe we are, everything I have looked up has been in support of the idea.
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Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 08:38 pm
Whether or not human beings are sentient, we invented the word and concept, and animals didn't. Mind you, I don't speak animal.
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Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:19 pm
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Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:35 pm
shewolf wrote:
As many thousands of years the earth has been in existance it is entirely possible that this planet has been the home of other sentient beings that may have advanced far beyond our capabilities and left....
We never know.

Au contraire. my dear Miss Wolf. I do know. Perhaps an explanation is in order.

You see, I am not a simple capybara farmer as I have claimed, but rather an immortal from the star stystem Arorsian. We Arorsians formed this planet Earth, (as you so quaintly call it, our name was Friton) and we lived here for hundreds of thousands of years until the appearance of the plant-eating sauropods. Once the sauropods threatened our existence (we are plants after all) we were forced to flee to the far corners of the universe. A sort of plant diaspora, if you may.

A single observer was left behind to monitor the activities of the planet and to signal to the pack when the sauropod threat was over.

That observer was me. I sent the signal to my fellow Arorsians earlier this week. I anticipate their arrival sometime next Wednesday.

I suggest you move over.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:41 pm
Dang it, Gus! Now you've let the cat outta the bag. As the advance party, I was hoping the arrival of the main contingent would come as a surprise. Now you've done gone and warned everybody.
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Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2004 09:41 pm
Now you've gone and done it Gus - You know how exitable those earthilngs are. That's why everybody hadda promise not to tell 'em about any of that.
0 Replies

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