Yikes. Gimme a minute til I figger out what the heck I'm doing!
How much time do you need?
Heeven - I like your profile, I do admit I thought you were a guy
Hmmm.. I sorta played off of Sugar's profile and just wrote something up on a whim for myself. It umm.. Just kinda seemed like th ething to do..
Love yours, Fishin' - mine is silly too - but less creative....
Ahem. A guy! Well I guess the emu didn't do me justice! Anyhoo, you are forgiven Husker. I'm a chocolate-dipped strawberry for today until I can find my beloved emu again!
fishin - ya big cheater!
Actually, this is the best thing about my profile - my boss asked me to do a 'profile' to add to the monthly report they send to everyone. I didn't want to do it and argued, but he told me if I didn't then I'd be in big trouble.
So the profile you see is what I submitted. They added it to the report. I always wondered whether he even bothered to read it first.
Doh, She caught me! Darn the bad luck.
Damn, fishin', that was all made up? Hunh. I felt really bad about the elephant, too.
Sorry! Didn't mean to mislead anyone! lmao
Was it the being kidnapped in Bulgaria part that hooked you?
I just haven't come up with anything interesting to write besides the facts..... maybe more facts would be in order.
LOL Well, I have slept on a few of them in Paris and Rotterdam! After a night of hard drinking they start to look pretty darn comfy and it's better than stumbling around town all night trying to find your hotel.
I've been cutting and pasting profiles for a long time. Mine is now very outdated. I've got to write a new one someday.
Eons ago: long, long before computers, and chat rooms, could even be imagined in one's wildest dreams..... I had decided to stop "filling in" my profile.
I think I was about four years old, when I knew that it was better to keep most things, shall we say, a bit fuzzy.
That would take an entire psychicatric clinic, preferably one in Austria, to come to terms with.
If my very own mother and father (back when "radio" was around) were always slightly curious about their second child's "profile"....(and they are long gone on, to a better world), then the chance that I am going to start filling one in now: is how should I say..........?
I am hoping that here in cyberworld, one can just.....be.
Phoenix my friend, you never know what kind of an answer you're going to get when you just start pounding away at that keyboard.
humm..I played off both fishins and sugars ideas and wanted something completely opposite of my past profiles...so, it worked.
lilk...go for the <ahem> fact based and expound, its very interesting
mine is simple, just like me.