Maybe Hil should consider running for governor instead of the Senate again.
Just think. A liberal senator from the Northeast.
Bring her on LOL.
She's actually not that "liberal" in the sense that it's used nowadays.
The night before the Clinton Library opening, Larry King asked her if she was going to run for president in '08. She said she was wasn't thinking of anything beyond running for Senator again in 2006. She didn't say no.
He then asked her if she did decide to run (for president) if she would tell the people of New York prior to running for the Senate, which is what George Bush did (prior to his running for governor).
King said he thought that would only be fair, since a good deal of her time would be consumed with a campaign. I think she answered in the affirmative, but it was kind of hard to tell, LOL.
In some of my travels this past summer, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with some former Clinton-era CIA agents. I won't indulge in gossip here (that's all it was, I'm sure), but if she does run, I think some very interesting facts will see the light of day before all is said and done.
Do you think she was also AWOL during the Vietnam debacle? perhaps didn't inhale? had irregular menstrual cycles? was caught petting in the backseat of a '56 chevy with her bra removed? burned her draft card? damn now you have me really curious. We demand the facts!
She's a man, baby!
Am I getting warm, JW?
I'm sure they'll find that she had an abortion. GASP. Or something else uniquely feminine and immoral.
Hillary Clinton Wins Key Committee Role
Dec 7, 2004 7:37 am US/Eastern
(1010 WINS) WASHINGTON New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will be appointed to the Senate Special Committee on Aging.
Incoming Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada announced the move yesterday.
The Aging Committee has served as a focal point in the Senate for debate on matters relating to older Americans, including Social Security and Medicare.
Clinton, a Democrat, says that as Baby Boomers begin to reach retirement, the work of the committee will become increasingly important.
Some expect a major battle in the next Congress over Republican efforts to create personal accounts for Social Security.
New York has more than three-point-two (m) million residents 60 and older.
New York's junior senator was also reappointed to the Health, Education Labor and Pensions Committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, and the Armed Services Committee.
McGentrix -- I tried to post this the other day but the forum was malfunctioning.
Obviously, if you think that yuppies aren't reproducing their ugly selves in record numbers, you've never been to an upscale mall and it's escaped you that their filling their McMansions with kids.
BTW, there is no morality on the right and, perhaps, Hillary's remark should be taken as a recognition of the Bible's place both as literature and as an historical document. Again, we're above the heads of Republicans with thoughts like that.
I wonder how one meets "Clinton-era CIA agents"? Do they hang out in certain venues? Do you find them in bars, buy 'em drinks and wait to hear the dirt on the Clintons?
D'Art -- They all wear little signs over their left breasts, saying, "Hi! I'm a Clinton Era CIA agent!"
Well, that's awfully nice of them, plainoldme! I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.
Last night, when I came home from working my second job, there was a message on my machine: "I went to hear the man who was elected president in 2000 speak on global warming. Massagatto should have been there. He would have been unable to defend himself. We're in worse shape than even the left knows."
The red state folks with their denials of Darwin and their insistence that abortion is a moral evil are just too powerful for words. Why does anyone kowtow to morons?
Have I mentioned that Hillary is nothing more that a dime-store 'ho selling herself off to the highest bidder?
I think you may have let something of the sort slip, McG, yeah ...
McGentrix -- You seem to have a gun in your pocket for her.
Here's part of the problem:
Hillary had to have realized early on that she was marrying a guy who was massively photogenic, a brilliant speaker and definitely presidential material IF she could keep the lid down on the little problems, i.e. the idea that he could treat peasant women (which would likely include (at least in Slick's mind) all of the women who post on this forum) the way Henry VIII and Louis XIV used to.
That says Hillary's almost certainly been in charge of the Lenzner lid committee and as such is probably personally responsible for several dozen women and girls being sexually assaulted and/or raped.
gungasnake wrote:Here's part of the problem:
Hillary had to have realized early on that she was marrying a guy who was massively photogenic, a brilliant speaker and definitely presidential material IF she could keep the lid down on the little problems, i.e. the idea that he could treat peasant women (which would likely include (at least in Slick's mind) all of the women who post on this forum) the way Henry VIII and Louis XIV used to.
That says Hillary's almost certainly been in charge of the Lenzner lid committee and as such is probably personally responsible for several dozen women and girls being sexually assaulted and/or raped.
You mean like the girl Bush was accused of drugging and raping?
Bush tried to drug and rape hillary?
McGentrix wrote:Bush tried to drug and rape hillary?
No, he reportedly still has his testes.