Thu 2 Dec, 2004 03:38 pm
I thought this one was interesting enough to share. You can type in your zip code to see how your city/area is doing compared to nationally.
Interesting, c.i. Albuquerque is a little more than half the national average, which is in the low range. Good thing as Dys doesn't have any health insurance.
My town is on the line between low and medium. My son, who lives in New Jersey, had the flu last week. His town is on the high end of medium!
We're about half of the national average. I got the flu shot the very first day Kaiser offered it. Waited in line for three hours.
Wow! We're very low here, C.I. I never get a flu shot, however. Do you mind if I post your link on my WA2K Radio thread?
Diane, doesn't dys qualify for VA?
Letty, It's public domain web site, so post away.
Interesting. I didn't realize there was something you could take to lessen the flu symptoms.
Thanks, C.I. but since you saw it first...Well, I'm off to bed now, so I'll do it first thing in the morning.
Love you all to join us on the virtual radio.
Letty, Please post a link to your 'virtual radio' site.
Please be our capable radio physician and bring along your link.
We're still at half the national average.