Dear everyone here, I am most keen to learn from posters here who can talk from their own
experiences in life, instead of dropping names and dropping technical terms.
Part of learning from others is the risk of being shown oneself to be wrong, and I am most receptive to being shown that I am wrong with my thinking, though I want to believe that I am grounding myself on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.
Max says: “This argument really is about the importance of education to understanding Physics.”
Tue 1 Aug, 2017 06:25 pm Post: # 6,476,085
What about dear Max, let us consider first whether experience comes before education, I mean formal education.
Now, I like to ask you, Have you ever had the experience of being in a sailing boat i.e. moving on the surface of the sea, and you have a view of the shore, I ask you, Is the shore moving at all, or it is at a standstill, while the boat is moving on the surface of the sea?
Dear readers here, I am trying to get posters here to first get their experiences factored into everything they are into talking about.
The way I see what a lot of posters do in a thread, it is to drop names and drop technical terms, in connection with as in the present thread, “Who is your favorite physicist?”
That kind of a topic allows empty-minded posters to drop names and drop technical terms forever and ever, without having to do any personal genuine thinking from their own brain resources, founded on their experiences in life.
I submit that though satisfying to their vanity it is better that they do their own personal thinking, making use of their experiences in life, as to come to concur on an issue they are exchanging views on, so as to achieve a common position, that is however is grounded on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man’s conscious intelligence.
Anyway I am available to talk about education that is necessary to understand physics, this is the present proposition of Max.
Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and witness whether the posters here will talk about education needed to understand physics, and what is the role of personal experiences, more in particular how the common perennial recurring experiences of mankind count for man to come to know objective reality, that is outside and independent of education at all.
Quote:From layman:
Every fool and his brother knows that if you pack the boiler of a steam engine with coal, and keep shoveling it in to keep the train going a steady 50 mph, the energy is making the train move. It's not serving to merely hold the train "in place" and motionless because, as soon as the engineer hit the throttle, the whole earth start moving at the rate of 50 mph under it.
Well, except for relativists, I mean.
It's really kinda amazing how much permanent brainwashing can be accomplished on an obsequious and subservient student by teachers. Years after leaving school, they still adamantly insist that you can never know if is the earth or the train moving. They can never really "explain" why, but that doesn't deter or diminish their fervent advocacy of the absurd in the least, eh?
Post: # 6,476,078 • layman • Tue 1 Aug, 2017 06:08 pm