Dear layman, I propose that you just try your best to keep Max and everyone else in this thread at this point in time, to focus on the fact that the land is not moving at all, while as we are on board the deck of a ship which is sailing on the surface of the sea, the ship is moving.
At least everyone with eyes to see and brain to think, we must all concur on that fact.
Then we can move to another issue, like for example, how do the NASA technicians steer their spacecrafts as to reach Mars?
Do or don't they have to factor in the mathematics of general and special relativity, and even say the mathematics of quantum mechanics?
Correct me if I am wrong, I seem to have read in the web something to the effect that for navigating between earth and say the moon or even all the way to Mars, no need to factor in the relativity thinking of Einstein, and much less the thinking of the experts of quantum mechanics.
Hey, what about the simple GPS which we can avail of ourselves with our mobile phone, do the technicians in charge of GPS operations, do they have to factor in relativity math and quantum mechanics math?
And honestly, I am not any expert at all, obviously though, in the math of relativity and not at all in the math of quantum mechanics.
However, modesty I aside, I do think as to be grounded on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.