From layman:
"It was only because of inertia, Galileo concluded, that when a cannonball was dropped from the mast of a moving ship, it would appear (to those on the ship) to fall "straight" down to the foot of the mast (although it would appear to follow a curved path to a stationary observer on the shore)."
Dear Layman, as there have been experiments I am sure conducted on a say steel ball falling in a straight line from the mast top of s sailing boat, it will land at the foot of the mast, but to observers on shore the ball is falling in a curve line.
Dear readers here, I am as I see into myself, good at thinking on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man’s conscious intelligence, I must submit that I need help from you guys here, who are into “Who is your favorite Physicist?
So, if I may, can you guys just talk with attention to experiments if any at all having been performed even several times already, as to substantiate your talking?
Dear readers here, let us sit back and await with bated breath to read of experiments already done by enterprising scientists, into the matters at issue with the debating posters here in this thread on: “Who is your favorite physicist?
For I hope to read something here that is not into endless name-dropping and technical terms dropping, but grounded on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man’s conscious intelligence, AND also now on experiments already successfully conducted by scientists.