I understand now, or think I do. I get your need for occasional socializing together... perhaps on some occasion or other.
Switching to me for a minute or half hour, not for attention but to tell you where I'm coming from - not that I expect you to be me, but to add to consideration.
I married late (in my thirties) to a much younger man. It worked for decades, and then didn't, but we both understand and still catch up on ourselves and longtime friends every so often.
His friends were theater people, mostly, great hoggers of dining table talk, but what can you do with actors, often entertaining. They were generally up on academic hoo haw. Both he and I cooked, and friends of both of ours joined in to talk or help cook or carry stuff outside, whichever time.
We had an open house on some occasions such as New Years (I called, including my cousins, people showed up).