Obsession is about fear .... The fear of loss [greed], the fear of fear itself.
It is however also an inalienable fact that wherever you go, you will find yourself there when you arrive. That means no matter which house you live in or country or town or planet ... You are always you, with all your issues and paranoia.
So the question is where does that anxiety actually come from? You say you have faced your problems and I am sure you have ... But your driving issues, they have not disappeared or been dealt with because you are back in an anxious state once more.
Therefore, you need to look at your life and decide what causes this anxiety .... As a pure example; Some people will stay in abusive relationships and indeed have a whole string of abusive relationships ... Not because they like being hit, threatened or abused ... Because they have self esteem and self respect issues created in childhood. They find safety in the abuse, they find a normality in it.
You have issues which cause you to be anxious, they will be rooted in your childhood and not in which house you reside in.
One would have to suggest you get professional help, psychological counselling, to find your way through the base issues which you seemingly have.
All good fortune to you