My ex and I were living together without being "technically" together for about 1 year or so, just like the both of you. And I'll tell ya, it's not easy... You seem to be far more emotionally attached than this girsl is, and by the sounds of your posts she's been fooling around with her ex. Doesn't that hurt you?
My ex and I never saw anyone else while I was living there. Which made the situation a bit easier to handle. I was the one supposed to move out and he allowed me to stay for as long as I needed in order to get my sh*t straightened out. It was exhaustingly difficult at times, I'll confess. And although I didn't feel as if I'd still loved him I still felt very possessive of him, making me act in certain ways I wish I hadn't at times. Even then, it's hard to explain, it just worked.
If there's is a clear understanding that you two will be moving out and on, I think it'll be okay afterall. But you seem to be keeping your hopes up and holding on to this situation as if it could be a chance of reconciliation. In this case, I'd honestly tell you to move on with your life, cut her off your health insurance, credit card, etc. as soon as now, before you dig yourself deeper into this hole.
Besides, I'm not sure someone at 20 really knows what they're looking for anyway. This girl might be just enjoying the easy ride. Sorry.
The ex
Oh I'm sure she's seen her ex here and there from time to time. Yes it does hurt and the trust is at a very low level - we'll right now I don't really have a say. But I feel just like him when our relationship started. Because it all makes sense now. She was staying with him at the time and then started staying a my place from time to time. He got a hold of my number and would call my house all the time when she was there, just to hang up. And then she slowly kinda broke it off with him. She had to pick one right? I guess they're back trying work something out - I guess. It's come around to me a full 360. Poor guy, because I know that she'll do it to him again for someone else. She even had the nerve to tell me she hated when she felt like I was lying to her, when I never even did! Some nerve... Oh well.
This girl seems to have a crass behavior. Not good enough for anyone anyway...
I have been here in your shoes before. And I threw her out, well she also agreed to move out. 1 month went by and she had stopped over because she had left somethings. We talked, kissed and then made love and the next thing I knew she was moving back in and her and I have been back together ever since going on 2 years now. Distance is the best medication. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Trust me I know I have lived through it! I only can wish you the best and hope that you take each and every bit of help we all have given into consideration
Similar to mine?
Did you also have issues with her ex being involved, etc...?