Quote:Ticomaya wrote:
No, life (and death) doesn't come with a guarantee, but if you read this particular map you stand a pretty good shot at arriving at your destination. You, on the other hand, have no chance as it stands now.
If you look closely at that particular map you will find that is full of infinite loops (circular logic), and you always end up back at the starting point.
Which is why you have to die to go anywhere.
Now here's a "principal" we can all get behind. He may need a lead role in the new WayRight organization.
Principal Steve Unfreid, who said he was inspired in his choice of disciplinary tactics by the actions of Jesus, asked teacher Joe Brost to whip him in front of two male students in the school's basement last month after the boys were caught kissing girls in the locker room for the second time in a week.
Pascal's Wager (17th century):
If I believe in Christianity and Christianity is true, then I win.
If don't believe in Christianity and Christianity is false, I neither win nor lose.
If I believe in Christianity and Christianity is false, I neither win nor lose.
If I don't believe in Christianity and Christianity is true, then I lose big time.
Of course, God may send those who believe in him as the result of a wager straight to hell!
And I would argue that if you believe in Christianity and Christianity is false, you've wasted a lot of time and effort that could have been spent more productively.