Where are you God?

Tue 4 Jul, 2017 02:10 pm
You have been through so much. We are pretty close in age. I don't know all of your story, but I have friends that I've helped walk through some of the very things you are talking about. One of the biggest things I was wondering is have you tried to attend a church or a small group? It is hard doing life alone. There are many places that have groups for those who are wanting to explore the Bible and questions concerning Christianity.
I would love to continue a dialogue with you if you are open to it.
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Tue 4 Jul, 2017 02:11 pm
"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

Dear readers and in particular our atheist colleagues here, let us do this exercise of thinking genuinely as to effect the concurrence between our conceptival realm and our objectival realm, I mean that with our conceptival realm we take care that it conforms with our objectival realm; otherwise we are into all manners and kinds of fallacies and paradoxes and stupidities, like with one Krumple.

This is one human who is not sure of his existence, but he never bothers to examine his thinking, by which he comes to his so smug but totally stupid conviction that he is not sure of his existence.

You see, dear readers here in particular our atheist colleagues here, and in most particular the self doubting of his self-existence, one Krumple, this is the way to bust Krumple from his stupid 'philosophy', and thus also his talking of his uncertainty of his self-existence, namely: it is all in his stupid mind, but outside of his stupid mind:

Challenge him to dare to examine the concurrence of his stupid mind in his conceptival realm of his stupid mind, with the concrete reality of the objectival realm which is independent of his stupid mind, and convince him that he should be careful going about with that kind of a crazy thought, why?

Why? Because as everyone not Krumple sees Krumple to he alive, and thus he exists biologically or physiologically or physically, and in regard most particularly to his papa and mama who produced him by their love making, and thus his mother conceived him with the one lucky(?) sperm from his father fusing with her one lucky(?) ovum, he Krumple with his stupid parading about among normal humans, proclaiming that he is not sure he is ever existing, he is an abnormality i.e. sui generis among normal members of the species, homo sapiens, i.e. man capable of wisdom, as distinct from and opposite to one Krumple.

You see, dear all readers here, since life for humans is the actual existence for humans, so existence for humans is equivalent to life, Krumple doubting his existence is equivalent to his doubting that he is alive: so he is in effect a dubiously walking zombie.

Let him then just join the hordes of bit players in Hollywood of the walking dead, sign up with the Hollywood syndicates flooding mankind with crazy movies of the walking dead, i.e. zombies.

There are acts in social public life in particular when humans have to undertake in which they must prove that they exist, i.e., they are biologically, physiologically, physically alive, one self-doubting of his having a living existence, Krumple, he is not allowed or he has no access to all the human rights acts in society, like getting married, for marriage is only for existing humans i.e. living humans, and Krumple is not one that people can take him to be existing i.e. alive, for he goes about proclaiming that he is not ever sure of his existence i.e. live status, at most he is a walking zombie.

So, Krumple is an example of an absurdity, owing to his self-smug but totally stupid idea of that he is not ever sure of his existence i.e. a living human, at most he is just a walking zombie.

You see, dear Krumple, I am sure in your country, people routinely help their parents once a year to present themselves i.e. their parents to the retirement pension office, so that this office will continue to issue their monthly pension check.

Get ready when you are in old age, to act alive even though you are not sure that you are not just a walking zombie - hehehehehehehe.

Okay, returning to the issue of God exists or not, dear readers, let us sit back and await with bated breath for our atheist colleagues who always go about so smug, to present their objections to my proof for God existing from evidence that the nose and etc. exist which all have a beginning.

So, dear atheist colleagues, "What are you waiting for?"

See next post for my re-quote of my proof for God existing, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Jul, 2017 02:21 pm
This is the re-quote of my proof for God existing: from the evidence of the nose in our face, roses and babies, the sun in the day sky, and the massive distant galaxies in space, and also the sub-atomic particles in the abysmal depth of the microscopic quantum realm.

"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

Dear readers, I will just take some time out to talk with atheists Krumple and InfraBlue, because they are fellow humans like ourselves and colleagues in this forum.

Dear Krumple and Infrablue, you do appear to have some learning and intelligence, both which you choose to abuse badly; for instead of seeking truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, you choose to wastefully abuse them to evade your duty to yourselves and maintain yourself-respect, in order to continuously adhere to your fanatical attachment to your superstition (irrational belief and practice) that there is no God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Just the same, please take some time out to give your comments on infinite regress.

Okay, dear readers here, let us continue from yesterday.


The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence, so let us go forth into the realm of existence to seek God, with our guide the concept of God as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Start with the nose in our face, that is a part of the realm of existence, and we will search for God Who is also a part in the realm of existence.

Our nose has a beginning so some existing entity caused it to come to existence, do you you grasp that?


Not only our nose but our whole body and also the whole existence of mankind, and also everything at all you know about has a beginning.


So, dear readers here, everything with a beginning that means everything that did not exist antecedent to their beginning, has need of an entity to bring it to existence.

Why? Because antecedent to their beginning, they were not around, so how could they have come from existence by themselves as they were not around in the realm of existence.

That is why they need an entity not themselves to bring them to existence.

Next post, the objection of stupid atheists from infinite regress, or from bad faith disingenuous blah blah blah talkers.

You will recall, dear readers, as I told you earlier, that we will talk about the distinction between the conceptival realm of things and the objectival realm of things, so here we go into the conceptival realm and the objectival realm of things.

The conceptival realm of things is in our mind, it is the home of all kinds of thoughts whatsoever in our mind, even though the thoughts are bizarre altogether, and one of the bizarre thoughts is infinite regress, that can only exist in our mind.

But the mind is also home to all kinds of useful concepts, like that "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence."

On the other hand, the objectival realm of things is where everything independent of our mind has concrete existence, in particular everything with a beginning, and yes ALSO whatsoever we reason to the existence of an entity without any beginning, i.e. existing by, from, in, through, of, etc. itself, and that is God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

The nose is another example of things in the objectival realm, for it exists even though you have lost your mind, gone crazy, or your mind is suspended as in deep dreamless sleep, or you lost consciousness when you fainted, or you are in a comatose state – you get the idea, of course.

When you have any questions about these two realms of things, let you first think about them, and then bring them up for us to talk about, okay?

Now, why is infinite regress a bizarre thought that can exist only in our mind?

First, you try this experiment, bring your mind to entertain the thought that you are dead, annihilated by a nuclear explosive which landed on you as on ground zero, so you have gone into non-existence; but that is all in your mind, and you notice that your mind can entertain such a thought, even just for self-amusement and not get even just a slight headache.

That is also why atheists like in particular Krumple, he with his crazy thought that he can't be sure of his existence, and also InfraBlue, whose exercise of intelligence and learning is to abuse them, in order to shoot empty blank bullets to my précis of the proof of God existing, as follows:

From the concept of existence and the concept of God, namely:

"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

WHEREFORE by our expedition into the objectival realm of things in concrete factual existence outside our mind, and thus existing independently of our mind, our expedition to search for the presence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning:

We have ascertained that as there are all things we know about to be with a beginning, therefore there exists an entity which is self-existent and thus the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

And the EVIDENCE of such a being is the, yes, start with the nose in our face, and also altogether everything you know to be real by your conscious experience and reasoning: like roses and babies and the sun in the day sky and also giant galaxies in distant space, and also sub-atomic particles in the deep abysmal microscopic quantum realm.

There, that is the précis of my proof for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, by reasoning from EVIDENCE.

Now, what is the fallacy of infinite regress in regard to the causation through (let us now call the entity creator cause of everything with a beginning, God - in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning), through causation by God?

The fallacy consists in atheists' murky mind that the thought of causation brings up an antecedent causation, and then another antecedent causation and on and on into infinity, thus we never get to any beginning.

If you have to talk with atheists who bring up that argument against causation from infinite regress, just tell them:

“I will punch your nose so that it bleeds, that is already proof that there is a first cause outside your murky stupid mind, so get out of your lousy mind and its lousy thought: or you can continue on and on with thinking of causation bringing up an antecedent causation and on and on; but I tell you, you will certainly die sooner than later, and so also your mind goes out of existence with its lousy thinking of causation from causation, from causation…

Dear readers here, do you realize that you have now a very good system to bust all kinds of fallacies and paradoxes, namely, by appeal to the distinction between the conceptival realm and the objectival realm: look for the hidden dungeon of mere conceptival bizarre thinking, and you have busted all kinds and manners of fallacies and paradoxes.

See you guys all again tomorrow.

Dear InfraBlue, let you and I talk about what is an assumption, okay? and also what is color, your favorite delusion, okay?

Dear Krumple, please go away, to nurse your stupid uncertainty of self-existence, go to your nirvana to delight in your stupidity of no-self.

I will no longer bother with you, Krumple, because I will also be infected by uncertainty as you are not certain to know that you exist, that infects everyone's access to certainty of your existence: since you are not certain to exist for yourself, so how can anyone be sure he is getting to your stupid mind?

It is like your mother or father ask me to lend you money, handing it to them for you, so I tell them:

Your son is not certain himself that he exists, so how can I get certainty that he will pay me back; he can just tell me later that he is not certain at all that he existed then and also now.

So, you stupid Krumple, you will still have the smartass stupid reply to me, namely, Go get your loan back from my papa and mama.

See? Hehehehehehehehe...

Later, tomorrow.

Tue 4 Jul, 2017 02:41 pm
Don't forget these:
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jul, 2017 12:31 pm
"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

That is the objection from the existence of evil.

So, dear atheists, your objection that evil exists so God is not all good, therefore God does not exist.

First, tell me, who convinced you that there is evil at all, and that God is supposed to be all good, while thus in fact He is not – because there is the fact of evil?

Now, when you say to me who told you that there is evil and that God is all good, or is supposed to be all good:

Tell you what, dear stupid gullible atheists, you and your fellow mentors of the same stupid and perverse ilk, always lying or if not lying then altogether foully marinated in your self-conditioned stupid thinking, so that in term of genuine thinking you are weirdoes of nonsensical self-stymied thinking, tell you what:

Dare to talk between you and your stupid and wicked lying fellow atheist mentors, to ask yourselves:

What is evil, and what is good, in regard to what entities, i.e. on what or from whose criteria have you and your stupid but also lying fellow atheist mentors, like one Bertrand Russell whose mind was so muddled up in regard to God existing or not, because he discovered gnikcuf* (read that in reverse, from right to left), I ask you on whose criteria have you come to the concept of what is evil and what is good?

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath for our colleagues here, atheists, to tell us from whose criteria have they come to their concept of what is good and what is evil.

But I tell you, and this is the ultimate stupid socalled argument of atheists, scil., they will now come up with their last trump card, proclaiming:

"We do not know because we cannot know."

There, Oh ye atheists, that is why you are so stupid, because you do not know and you also claim to not be able to know, in the present context, "On whose criteria have you come to your concept of what is good and what is evil," in which case you should just shut up and ask people who know, like yours truly.

And don't forget the distinction between your stupid conceptival realm and the objectival default realm of things in the totality of reality which is independent of your stupid and wicked mind, namely, that default realm of objectival reality, it is EXISTENCE!

Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath for atheists to reply to my present message, which is:

On whose criteria have you come to your concept of what is evil and what is good, and also thus present your appropriated concepts of what is evil and what is good.

Later, see you guys all tomorrow.

*Bertrand Russell - The New York Times

... There is a story that on one of his lecture tours of America, Russell found himself at dinner sitting next to the principal of a respectable girls' college, who asked him: 'Why did you give up philosophy?' To which he is supposed to have replied: 'Because I discovered I preferred *******.' The story is probably apocryphal, though it chimes with many things that Russell did say, including his remark to Virginia Woolf that his devotion to serious intellectual work came to an end when 'my passions got hold of me'. There is no doubt that Russell's love for Ottoline, and his subsequent romantic adventures, helped to weaken the hold on him of his absorption in the philosophy of mathematics. What finally killed his interest in mathematics, however, as he himself acknowledged, was the impact of Ludwig Wittgenstein, which, as Russell was to write in My Philosophical Development, 'came in two waves'. [Etc.]

PS I am enjoying myself tremendously here, elsewhere I would have been suddenly banned forever with writing as I write here.
Wed 5 Jul, 2017 02:39 pm
Too bad you don't have any argument more substantial than name calling.
Wed 5 Jul, 2017 02:52 pm
Seeing as how his arguments are full of holes, that's all he has.
0 Replies
Thu 6 Jul, 2017 03:09 pm
"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

Dear readers here, you DO notice how silent all atheists here have become, when it comes to my challenge to them to do genuine thinking, in the present context, on whose criteria have they come to know what is evil and what is good, and thus also to present their concepts thereby of what is to them their appropriated concept of what is evil and what is good.

Addressing atheists:

Cease and desist already from evasions, take to thinking genuinely on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, unless your mind is all muddled up like as with one of your wicked and perverse fellow atheists [though he formally calls himself an agnostic, but in words and acts he behaves like the worst thinking and acting atheist], one Bertrand Russell, with extraneous attachments or biases, that you can't think at all anymore, but to resort continuously to evasions, and also in order to cater to your whatever unworthy of man's dignity, contrary to as man is called by the best ancient thinkers, to wit: homo sapiens, i.e. man of wisdom.

Anyway, dear readers and in particular atheists here, I will gambit these two concepts of what is good and its opposite what is evil in less than 20 words each, and you, Oh ye atheists, take courage to think on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, to make comments on them:

Good is anything at all which man at least LIKES, as to strive to possess and enjoy. [17 words]

Evil is anything at all which man at least DISLIKES, and strives to avoid or overcome. [16 words]

There, dear readers here, in particular atheists here, make comments on my concepts of good and evil, and we will mutually work out together our collaborated on concepts of good and evil.

See you all here again tomorrow.
Thu 6 Jul, 2017 09:56 pm
OK, Susmario. I'll take your bait and tentatively agree with your definitions of good and evil. Now what?
0 Replies
Fri 7 Jul, 2017 02:10 pm
"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”

From Tomtombinks:
OK, Susmario. I'll take your bait and tentatively agree with your definitions of good and evil. Now what?

Thanks, Tomtombinks.

Here, I reproduce my concepts of what is good and what is evil:

"Good is anything at all which man at least LIKES, as to strive to possess and enjoy." [17 words]

"Evil is anything at all which man at least DISLIKES, and strives to avoid or overcome." [16 words]

Please explain in a 100 words if you need a 100 words, but not more: my concept of what is good and my concept of what is evil, and also in your explanation relate them to my concepts of what is existence and what is God.

"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

“In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.”


See you guys all again, tomorrow.
Fri 7 Jul, 2017 10:01 pm
Since good and evil are human concepts, then anything humans dislike is evil and anything humans like is good. I'll use your definitions, as they are simple and adequate.
As for my concept of existence...? I exist. Period.
My concept of god... I got nothin"
I could go on for pages and pages on what I've been taught and what I've learned on my own and even on what I've imagined, but it's all irrelevant. it's like the other atheists and agnostics have been trying to tell you. They have no concept of god because there is no god.
Now you said something earlier (or in another thread) about proof. Let's have it. Don't repeat your mantra about your concepts, just give your evidence.
0 Replies
Sat 8 Jul, 2017 01:46 pm
From Tomtombinks:
"Now you said something earlier (or in another thread) about proof. Let's have it. Don't repeat your mantra about your concepts, just give your evidence."

What about the nose in our face as one piece of evidence, for a starter?

Here is the proposition that I want us you and me to work on, from my part to prove it true or a fact, and from your part to prove it false or not a fact.

Is that all right with you, or you have a proposition that you want me and you, from my part to prove that it is false or a fiction, and from your part that it is true or a fact.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath for atheist Tom, to react to my thoughts in the present post.

See you guys all again tomorrow.
0 Replies
Sat 8 Jul, 2017 02:17 pm
As an important after-thought from me, dear Tom, let us we two do this exercise:

You teach me how to become an atheist as you have the experience and have succeeded to define and and talk and act yourself as an atheist.

And I am into teaching mankind how to come to the truth and fact and the best thought of mankind, that God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Now, from my own observation and thinking, as I have said nth times already, you atheists have nothing at all but evasiveness in the issue of God exists or not.

Do you notice that you have no care for concepts at all, that is indicative of a deficiency in your epistemology if you have any at all.

Again, dear readers, let us all sit back and await with bated breath, to read how Tom and our fellow colleagues his kind of folks fellow to him atheists here, react to my thoughts here - start with my proposal that he Tom teach me from his own experience, how to become and act and talk like an atheist.

But I predict the man as with all atheists, they will resort to evasiveness as always and everywhere, anyway there is always an exception though.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 04:40 pm
This message is divided into short posts, to accommodate to atheists, because atheists have an attention span of .0000000000001 a split second.

"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

"In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

"Good is anything at all which man at least LIKES, as to strive to possess and enjoy." [17 words]

"Evil is anything at all which man at least DISLIKES, and strives to avoid or overcome." [16 words]

Well, it's been 24 hours plus since Tomtombinks has in a way concurred with me to talk about God exists or not, having accepted my concepts of what is good and what is evil.

BUT as always and everywhere with atheists, and now with Tom, when they see how they are going to have to agree to the existence of God, then they like the head of a turtle, they sink back into and inside their turtle shell.

See next post.

0 Replies
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 04:42 pm
That is the most disappointing miserable status of atheists, they buttress themselves up in a dungeon of what I call acquired deficiency intelligence syndrome - AIDS.

And also with other granite bricks of the dungeon wall, like the complaint that others are into ad hominems against them.

That is another granite brick in their dungeon of Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

There are two kinds of ad hominems:

(1) The kind that is most commonly known to folks, e.g. insult to the person say like an atheist, telling mankind that atheists are foul smelling in their rear end.

(2) The kind that is a boon to e.g. an atheist who withal calling himself atheist sticks tenaciously to the search for truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence: this kind of ad hominems consists in helping such an atheist to examine himself in regard to how he stymies productive epistemology, like with provoking him to see that he is into an Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome; and this kind is not commonly known to intellectuals.

See next post.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 04:44 pm
You see, dear readers here, almost all impossibility of concurrence on an issue between two conflicting parties to an issue e.g. like God exists or not, is due to lack of ad hominem factors of the almost unknown kind of ad hominems, that kind which consists in helping a protagonist to examine his heart and mind, so that he realizes how he is into instances of Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

So, when both parties protagonists to a conflicting issue, e.g., like God exists or not, both seek to point out to the other how their heart and mind are into the wrong and even perverted ways and means of thinking and knowing: then they will surely come to concurrence in the genuine resolution of the issue.

Now, dear atheist colleagues here, cease and desist already from your Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

I have examined how atheists think and talk, it is always and everywhere into evasiveness to the issue itself at hand, namely, God exists or not.

Take for example, atheist Krumple and in the same in effect direction of Krumple, all atheists, he Krumple adopts the philosophy by which he is not even sure he exists, and he disingenuously even asks mankind, How can we know what is existence when what we know to be existence can be any other kinds of existence than the kind we know about.

See next post.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 04:47 pm
That is really an instance of Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome, so as I have already told Krumple nth times:

Hey Krumple, cease and desist already from your AIDS, don't ask stupid question like that there are all kinds of concepts of existence, let you stupid Krumple with a stupidity that is disingenuously marinated in bad faith, tell you what:

Just start with the nose in your face, bang it hard to a concrete cement wall, and thus you have an instance of the experience of existence that is the kind all mankind knows about, and act themselves on, as to avoid hurting themselves on their nose.

Another gimmick of AIDS with atheists, they tell mankind that they just don't accept any God, gods, goddesses, deities, divinities, etc., when if they be not into Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome, they should just take up the most ambitious of God, gods, etc., namely:

The God Who is in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

My supposedly name-calling on our atheist colleagues here, I submit that I am into the second kind of ad hominems, namely, the kind that is:

See next post.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 04:48 pm

(2) The kind that is a boon to e.g. an atheist who withal calling himself atheist sticks tenaciously to the search for truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence: this kind of ad hominems consists in helping such an atheist to examine himself in regard to how he stymies productive epistemology, like with provoking him to see that he is into an Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome; and this kind is not commonly known to intellectuals.


Okay, let you just engage in my kind of ad hominems on me, I like that very much, namely the (2) kind of ad hominems,

Haven't I been asking you, Oh ye atheists, for nth times already to teach me how to experience your experiences by which you have come to dwell inside your turtle shell, i.e. Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome, when the issue is God exists or not.

Okay, one last time, addressing atheist colleague, one Krumple:

Dear Krumple, and no more, please no more of your lousy uncertainty, by which you just aren’t certain or uncertain that God certainly exists or uncertainly exists, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah of your uncertain uncertainties etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah…

[End of ‘see Next post’.]
Sun 9 Jul, 2017 09:33 pm
Hi Susmario,
I'm not avoiding you. I have two jobs and I'm very busy most of the time. I have, without evasion of any kind told you that my concept of good and evil are roughly in line with yours and my concept of existence is in line with Descartes, although I simplified it somewhat. And my concept of god is nonexistent because I don't believe in god. So I guess it's up to you to provide your evidence of god. Without that, our conversation is at a standstill.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2017 02:08 pm
"Existence is anything at all which we know to be real from our conscious experience and reasoning."

"In concept God is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

"Good is anything at all which man at least LIKES, as to strive to possess and enjoy." [17 words]

"Evil is anything at all which man at least DISLIKES, and strives to avoid or overcome." [16 words]

From Tomtombinks:

Hi Susmario,
I'm not avoiding you. I have two jobs and I'm very busy most of the time. I have, without evasion of any kind told you that my concept of good and evil are roughly in line with yours and my concept of existence is in line with Descartes, although I simplified it somewhat. And my concept of god is nonexistent because I don't believe in god. So I guess it's up to you to provide your evidence of god. Without that, our conversation is at a standstill.

Dear Tom, I really commend you that you don?t appear to be a smug but vacuous atheist.

See next post.
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