Since I like snow most anytime, it seems like a good thing at Christmas. I can't even imagine someplace that didn't have a full range of seasons.
I like 40 below and 40 above. (celsius of course)
To Noddy and fbaezer
Even though I prefer a warm to a cold climate, I have to agree with one thing about Christmas in Australia that I too find out of sync: cards with snow scenes and traditional Christmas meals (even if cooked outside in the kettle barbecue you still work up a nice sweat while eating). I also have to admit that the Christmas feeling is absent - the goodwill to all men seems to come through much better in the northern hemisphere. But, as I said before, it's what you make it.
I have a big announcement, today was the . . . FIRST SNOWFALL OF THE YEAR in GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO (about 40 min. from Toronto). It actually looks amazing outside, everybody at my highschool pretty much went nuts. It makes me feel like Christmas is very close, and it just looks pretty.
It's snowing in downtown Tranna right now, etruscia. Not too pretty in the concrete canyons, but it will be nice closer to the Beach.
Sorry to be ignorant but . Tranna, where is that? Im assuming Ontario though
Tranna = Toronto
Canajun = Canadian
I get it, (how the people from Michigan pronounce it im assuming) i would of spelt it Teronna but annyways.
Nah - that's how the locals pronounce it.
You can always tell when someone's from out of town - too many syllables.
and now the news in To-ron-to
ahhhhh, Tranna
haha, i guess i dont head to the city often enough, i always thought it was the Americans who were pronouncing it wrong, but it was natives. One thing that i cannot stand is how most people in Toronto pronounce Tuesday, Chooseday like its the day you get to exercise your choice. Its a T lol, pronounce it like one.
hey there, Margo!
it's grand to see you.
hope the knee's doing all right - and that you'll be able to get out on one of your great drives over the holidays (even without snow :wink: )
I've done both Christmases and the snow one is superior. Margo, you gotta go just once.
Sleds, hot toddy's, chestnusts roasting, mistletoe, a wreath on the door, glug, smoke wisping up from chimneys, the sparkle of crystal on the firs, the reflection of the moon on the snow...the sound of tires spinning on
Christmas lights are up, the ground and trees are covered in snow. It is unbelievable.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
we used to rent a house in the moutains for a few days just before Christmas in order to give our kids some snow-time. I don't know why we don't do that anymore.
Everything should be in its season. I just think the folks in the southern hemi. ought to consider having Christmas in June. I think you'd be happier when you're in synch with the fading light and chill. (Is the un-PC?)
I think it's just wonderful that we had a 'real' snow for St. Nicholas Day. It just feels so right to me. But then I love snow in any case.
The dogs were positively giddy tonight. Spinning and romping in the snow. I hope it sticks.
We had a dusting early yesterday morning, but was gone as soon as the sun came out.
Nice new avatar, ehBeth, but it looks like it would be chilly in the snee.
No snow here. There's been just one morning when there was ice in the horse's water trough.
We had a coupla inches - enough for some people to be out shovelling.
Cleo was absolutely wild in the church yard - pristine untouched snow - she was running and charging and grinning and leaping and pouncing. I think she finally figured out why Bailey likes snow.
Thanks piff. I thought I'd like a red dress for the lead-up to Christmas. Finding a picture with a red dress AND a mask took some searching.